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How To Help Someone With A Gambling Addiction (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-22 14:04 ID:R8JofgGe [Del]

So my mum has had a gambling addiction every since I was little. Every year she gets more and more out of control. She's ruined all of her friendships because she begs them for money. She's pawned of things such as her own passport and her phone which my dad paid for. She's started begging me for money and tells me it's for 'shopping' but I know that's bullshit. She's even staged a burglary in our own home to make it look like someone robbed us of £1500 and some other valuables when in fact she is the one who took it.

My dad has tried so many different approaches to trying to help her. He's trusted her word that she would stop, and that's always ended up with her gambling away even more money than before. He has access to her bank account so he can see all the money going in and out, but she still makes cash withdrawals (like £50 minimum) and makes a convoluted lie about what it is for. He's tried shouting at her, talking to her calmly and logically, giving her the silent treatment, kicking her out, everything. But she still hasn't quit.

We told her to see a therapist about her gambling, but she said she didn't like it since it brought up painful memories and it just made her want to gamble more. However, recently we've found out that during the time she was supposed to be seeing a therapist, she was also loaning money to gamble, so who knows if she actually bothered to go see the therapist in the first place.

My dad has threatened to divorce my mum several times over the past few years. Every year it gets closer and closer. First it was just words. Then he kicked her out of the house. Then he physically printed and signed the divorce papers. However each time my mum reacts by damaging herself. Every time she gets caught in her spiral of gambling and lies she tells me the classic line "whatever happens to me, remember I love you" and then she leaves and tries to kill herself. I've lost count of the number of times I've called her and she's been in A&E. It got to the point that we had to start seeing a social worker (who did fuck all after she found out the children of the household were fine).

I know she's my mum and I'm always praying that she'll come to her senses and stop, but a part of me thinks that she's beyond saving? It's like. She's sunk so low to the point of exploiting her own family, her own children by guilt tripping them, and then when we don't give her what she wants she gets mad??? It's like she loves gambling more than her own blood.

Do you guys have any advice on how I could help her? I've been looking up different types of therapy and even residential rehab. Also if there are any gambling addicts who have beat their addictions, could you maybe give me some insight into how you beat your addiction? Maybe someone who was in the same position as my mum can help me figure out the right way to help her overcome this issue.

2 Name: Kos : 2017-04-24 00:56 ID:DwdsGbHJ [Del]

I don't have much advice, but you have my support. I'll be around the forums if you want to talk. Love and patience can be tricky things.