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I'm so done (4)

1 Name: Sky : 2017-04-20 03:49 ID:M1g2U+xw [Del]

So I'm gonna rant but I do want advice at the end of what I should do.

So I'm a high school student in my 11th year of schooling. I missed half of year 10 due to being hospitalised for chemotherapy and other procedures. I beat all that stuff and got back on the path to being "normal". But ever since I got back to school I've constantly been picked on,made fun of and am the target for jokes. These things include
Being called terrible and horrible at everything. I'm no longer trusted to do anything pretty much
Having an unflattering photo of myself being used to make me look "creepy" while at the same time adding the girl I'm attracted to face saying horrible and very sexual things to her. She and I did not give consent to this
Being made fun of for sitting next to said girl(we have known each other for 10 years, it's only now being made fun of after my feelings where known)
I have a short fuse so they always try to push me to anger by pushing all my buttons at the same time
I'm no longer invited to events or anything because I called some people out on using autism as a insult(my brother is autistic therefore I was not happy with this)
I've been ghosted by a girl I knew for 10 years and was very close with because I told her what I thought of her decisions and my thoughts did not line with hers. (She drinks and strings guys along until it doesn't suit her)
I say litterally anyhting it's used to annoy me. An example of this is when I tried to make a girl feel better after she was selling chocolate to help fund a trip or something ran out before I got back with my money but I gave it to her anyway and when she felt guilty I told her I had a fair bit of money to my name(it's a fair bit for someone my age to have and I do not come from money) they then used it to make fun of me and make me feel like an asshole for saying it

Now granted I didn't handle this in the manner I should and I did apologise to some people after I went off and swore, ranted and raved one night. I will say though most of these did happen after the night I went off.

Most of this started to happen after I left a group chat(no I'm not kidding)because I didn't agree with how some people acted without thought, made life much more stressful for me and created the horrible photos of me and the girl. It's reached a point where I'm always either sad or angry as long as I'm around them and I know it's not good for me. I have tried to talk to them make them understand how I feel and that I'm not on board with this. They've been given warnings from about 5 different people to stop or serious consequences will be had but it's had no affect.

I have a small group of people I trust and absolutely love and would do anything for. The rest of them I used to consider friends but it's just the fact they act like they are 12 with access to everything on a computer and no filter. I'm just pissed because they all lie to my face about wanting me back and they missed me so much then think I'm the new target because my ideals changed and they are vastly different to what they have as there's.

I'm so confused as to what to do because I have to see them for the next two years and there is no sign of it stopping anytime soon. Thanks in advance guys!

2 Name: Vulcan : 2017-04-21 00:44 ID:CWDPSvQS [Del]

For startes, the people @ your school are f/cked up. I mean, I think you already know that but still. What I'd suggest almost 100% of the time is to just ignore it. Why the f/ck should you care? Do you think those people are ever going to remember you after high school? Better question, are YOU even going to bother with those people after high school? The answer should be 'no'. Why? Because you got your own damn life to be worrying about and you shouldn't fill it in with the likes of people that are clearly not benefitting you. Forget the bullsh/t and just move on.

3 Name: Akina Lee : 2017-04-21 09:01 ID:XDE5HVt9 [Del]

>>2 Definitely had a point.
Of you live in a small town area I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with that everyday. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. If they get physical you defend yourself but no other reason. You can say whatever you want don't hold your tongue to those bastards you got feelings too. Remember too they're just as human, if they can hurt you do the same.

4 Name: Yukino : 2017-04-22 13:08 ID:+69KHwPl [Del]

Man people at your school have way too much time on their hands. Better stick to your small circle of friends, I think you should try to ignore them as best as you can eventually they will get bored. Don't try to fight fire with fire that will just make matters worse.