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Depression of my Transgender cousin (2)

1 Name: Akina Lee : 2017-04-19 08:56 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

I have a issue currently b/c my cousin is a boy currently and wants to be a girl. She takes it very hard how she looks and I love her to death. I receive a job offer from my aunt and I didn't know who she requested other than me and went for it. Now that I've been working she is anger with me and my aunt said she's a boy she didn't ask for her help she ask for her sister. I tried to tell her it's not my fault and I couldn't tell her why was the reason b/c she suicidal. Her mom knows but she's in California(Not close at all of area) and understands. My family hurt her a lot by themselves and no matter when I tried to help or prevent it she didn't want my help and took it out on me saying horrible things to me. I can't take the stress either and I'm currently looking for a mental health doctor. I wish they cared about how I feel too and tired of being mistreated b/c of someone else. My family told me to ignored them. I don't know please help, I know there's people out there that understands to be treated different but how you avoid hurting someone. We both need the job and I can't leave it.

2 Name: Akina Lee : 2017-04-20 08:41 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

I want to let ppl know, it doesn't matter if you answered or not. I figure things out myself. The fact that I was threaten why should I care so much in the end. I have proof I didn't do anything wrong despite my feelings to want to help and support her. I'll just let her and whoever she gets involve I was threaten. I never remove evidence of things I do or say. If I need help I'll let you guys know and if I figure things out I'll once again let you know. I just need confidence in myself to not let people treat me however they want.