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Problems with dad (4)

1 Name: A-C : 2017-04-17 19:51 ID:a2IpJKKb [Del]

My dad is a very strict guy who puts a lot of pressure on me because he wants me to be perfect. He also drinks a lot and it bothers me. About 2 years ago I got into an online relationship with my best friend ( now boyfriend ) and I met his parents, siblings and my mother also met his parents so it's all good but I still haven't told my dad because I know he'll freak and I hate being yelled at. He also smacks my ass and I don't like it... It makes me uncomfortable... I don't want him to blame my mom either because he blames her for a lot of my choices even though I assure him I made the choice and not her. Anyway sorry for wasting your time.

2 Name: Luminous Guardian !QbuVuiZ1CA : 2017-04-17 20:30 ID:9XyOuKZl [Del]

You didn't waste my time, I have a very strict father as well. So I can relate to how things are. Jusr be straight forward with him id he argues.

3 Name: Sika : 2017-04-18 02:56 ID:/OU+uIdP [Del]

Tell ur problems to him...share a daughter-father relationship. And do all this when he is cool or in a good mood , he is ur father so he knows what is good and bad for you...but it is ur choice

4 Name: Akina Lee : 2017-04-19 10:20 ID:XDE5HVt9 [Del]

This is a difficult situation bc he still hits your behind like a baby... Honestly you need to control your own life and choices and tell him to cut it out. It's a matter of standing up for yourself and to let him know you're not taking that from him anymore. I did that to my mom and trust me she hurt me a lot. I told my mom I'll disappear if she lays another hand on me and she honestly stopped bc how serious I was. Idk how much he hurts you or taking charge so the approach is going to be different from mines for sure. Although my advice isn't completely wrong either but I apologize for also unable to help.