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anxiety/ panic attacks (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-12 19:20 ID:GMNC0h3e [Del]

SO my gf is depressed, anxiety ridden, suicidle, and im trying my best to help her. She's tried medicine, therapy, and pretty much everything you can try and nothing has helped. i'm so used to dealing with girls who have slight problems, the ones you can fix by just comforting her but my current with my current gf that's not gonna help and i don't know what to do. I'm not leaving her if i did she'd end up killing herself and i lover to much to let her do that if anyone has any idea how to help reply

2 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-12 20:29 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

hello, i'm sorry to hear that she is going through this. I am not sure how much I can help with this or if anything I suggest will help. Is her anxiety/depression/suicidal behavior a cause of problems in her life? her family?
I have anxiety myself and possibly some depression but I have no experience with being suicidal. I have a few things that I have done to help my anxiety and depression the first is 7 cups of tea, it is a website where you can anonymously speak with volunteer listeners. Its not like traditional therapy since you can speak with regular non qualified people. This has helped me because these people (in my experience) are often very helpful when you need someone to talk to who isnt scrutinizing you like therapists sometimes do. These people have often times gone through similar things and can offer insight on how they have coped. I also take natural supplements for anxiety because I don't like taking medication I use "anxiety and stress essentials" it is meant to help combat the effects of anxiety/stress on the body as well as vitamin B complex. I also use exercise, diet change (healthy) and essential oils (lavender is my favorite) to help as well.
Everyone is different when it comes to things like anxiety, depression and suicide so not all methods will help all people. Perhaps she can try out different therapists till she finds one who connects with her. I would just try to give her as much support as you can without "smothering" her with it. Give her space but show her a lot of support and acceptance. Hope this helps even just a little bit

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-12 20:36 ID:GMNC0h3e [Del]

thanks ill look that up

4 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-12 20:44 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

Your welcome! The brand of the supplements is natural wellbeing