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I mess everything up (33)

1 Name: Lionheart : 2017-04-11 17:08 ID:jCsQIt9L [Del]

Hey guys. It seems that lately I've been messing everything up. My friend told me he might be a manager at my job, and when I told some people, he got mad at me for telling them. I couldn't make it to my friend's first paid BJJ event even though that friend has done so much for me and I feel like I betrayed him. My dad yelled at me for the way I started my car today. And now there are rumors going around at my job even though I'm on good terms with everyone. I'm sick of it man. It makes me want to go back to only having the same five friends again. Not to mention the fact that no girl ever pays attention to me. I work hard at my sport, job, and everything else, yet I continue to mess everything up. What should I do?

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3 Name: ShoshanYatogami : 2017-04-12 13:39 ID:c3P+rsDs [Del]

@Rin/ Are you really serious that's not funny at all.

@Lionheart/ Just keep going, never give up and never stop, just follow your heart and it will be alright. Hang in there and you will come through. Some days are bad and the next day will maybe even worse but there will also come the day the sky will lighten up. And if you messed up, you can't change what you've already done, but you can change your behavior in the future to become the person you want to be.
Do not worry to much everybody has some shitty days.
I myself had some really bad years and I really know how you feel, but all this self doubt is not bringing you forward it just paralyze you.
Always keep your head up an move forward.

4 Name: Water The (MetalHead) Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2017-04-12 13:45 ID:4NMGKhtV [Del]

>>2 Yo, you can step the fuck off right the fuck now. Who the shit to you think you are to tell anyone that kinda shit. No. No. no. no. no. I am not having this. Seriously, you can just shut the fuck up if you're going to say that kinda shit. I just got done tearing into someone else off this site so I have no problem fucking your shit up if you think I'm going sit here and listen to you speak to people that when when they're doing nothing but reaching out for help.

Where the fuck do you get off, bitch?

5 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-12 14:19 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

hello Lionheart, I agree with ShoshanYatogami. I think everyone has periods of time where things just never go right. I have had times like these where everything goes wrong from big things to small things and you cant seem to catch a break. I think taking some time to yourself, taking a breather and doing something fun can help clear your head. Things always get better eventually so keep trying and stay positive

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7 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-12 21:30 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

Rin. This person has reached out for support and advice. What you are doing is very childish and inappropriate try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for a change.

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9 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-04-12 21:39 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

>>2 Consider taking your own advice for once.

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11 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-12 21:54 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

your just making a fool of yourself at this point.

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13 Name: Mei : 2017-04-13 00:32 ID:MywLbGJv [Del]

My, my. Rin, why aren't you having fun? Karma's going to get you back at some point whether you like it or not.

Lionheart, like ShoshanYatogami and Kaiyo said, just keep pushing forward. If something wrong happens, there's bound to be a positive side to it. Maybe at the moment it's a bit rough but it'll get better soon. There's always a storm before a rainbow and I'm sure your rainbow will come soon.

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15 Name: ShoshanYatogami : 2017-04-13 03:06 ID:c3P+rsDs [Del]

@Rin Please, the point is that you never know how your words can effect people. In a fragile state people tend to take words serious. Words have more power than we think.

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20 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-13 11:51 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

I agree with ShoshanYatogami why would you risk pushing someone too far? are peoples feelings just a joke to you Rin? Hypothetically speaking would you think its funny saying that to a suicidal person and then they act on it? for what? a laugh? actions have consequences and there will be a point when you regret yours.

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22 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-13 15:32 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello Lionheart.
I know what its like to feel as if you're constantly messing things up and just being a burden.
instead of focusing on all the things you might be doing wrong take pride in the things you know you do well, like your sport I'm sure you're brilliant at it.
ignore the rumors, apologise and explain to your friend and explain to your dad that you did nothing wrong.
it'll be alright just be patient ;)

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25 Name: Lionheart : 2017-04-14 01:30 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Thanks guys. I spoke to my friend and my dad. My dad said sorry for overreacting but I should go to him immediately if something is up with my car. My friend also said not to worry about it and thanked me for training with him, but I'm buying him food next time we hang out. I guess crappy days can extend into crappy weeks, months, years, etc., but like you guys said, it gets better.
Also, what did Rin say? The posts were deleted when I viewed the thread again.

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27 Name: Rensa !i1VVVBDO/A : 2017-04-14 15:01 ID:9nz8HJkk [Del]

>>26 lmfao you're really hopeless. /shrug

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29 Name: Shiro : 2017-04-14 18:57 ID:snw2nqFb [Del]

Hey, don't worry, keep focus and you'll be ok

30 Name: Lionheart : 2017-04-15 19:30 ID:onYWsQzd [Del]

Thanks, but what did Rin say? I won't get offended. I'm just curious.

31 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-04-15 20:40 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

They were reported for encouraging suicide.

32 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-16 06:58 ID:ddvm9fZg [Del]


33 Name: Lionheart : 2017-04-16 13:22 ID:kJ2gb7az [Del]

>>31 oh ok. Lol thanks for kicking him out then. I've been suicidal multiplr times, but encouraging suicide when I'm seeking help is childish. Thanks guys. I feel better. Happy Easter!!!