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Robotics worlds problem. (6)

1 Name: Twilin !O5bSNXCLVI : 2017-04-10 17:52 ID:8MMDDZY/ [Del]

So my robotics team qualified for worlds. but now we need to raise at least $12,000 for just our drive team to go. and we have under a week to get it all. Our school doesn't even really support us with this even. so is there any ideas that anyone has that we can pull off in like a day or two.

2 Name: Twilin !O5bSNXCLVI : 2017-04-10 21:35 ID:3F+2g0Qp [Del]

so thanks to the efforts of another team(notSaaaaaarah(1318)) we have gotten a gofundme page up to help us send atleast our drive team to worlds and i was wondering if anyone would be willing to help share the page to help us get our drive team out there.

3 Name: Kit : 2017-04-11 09:38 ID:5wMQ1egk [Del]

That's awesome man! I use to be part of a Robotics team 2 years ago before I moved. I understand the struggle there is for getting money to go places, the school I went to, they didn't support the team that much, it was treated as an After School activity like the Anime Club and such instead of an actual team, so yeah.
I am currently short on money, but I will help support it when I do get the money, along with spreading the word to the Robotics team I use to be in/friends and followers I have on websites.
I will be praying and hoping you guys get to go!

4 Name: Twilin !O5bSNXCLVI : 2017-04-11 10:15 ID:8MMDDZY/ [Del]

Thank you

5 Name: Twilin !O5bSNXCLVI : 2017-04-11 10:16 ID:8MMDDZY/ [Del]

I'm just at least trying to get it to be shared to help spread it.

6 Name: Waiting for Apoptosis : 2017-04-11 11:21 ID:9IH1f1Zv [Del]

My team has this problem as well and have a couple fundraisers each year. We host dinners, auctions, volunteer at concession stands, sell t-shirts, and sell mugs. Also our coach appealed to our school board and managed to get a little funding that way too.
Quick ways to raise can try car washes, have some kind of walk (and people pledge money/mile or something), bake sales, etc.
I suggest that next year you guys prepare in advance and just save the money in a team account. Even if you don't qualify that year, at least the money will be there.