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Strict parents (11)

1 Name: Luminous Guardian : 2017-04-07 13:00 ID:vS09bpTe [Del]

Can someone explain to me what to do when you have really strict parents?

2 Name: Rin !A./pWd82aQ : 2017-04-07 15:06 ID:r4sxg4JM [Del]

shoot them

3 Name: Zhane !ymVNFhbHqs : 2017-04-07 18:38 ID:R+ZvR9xp [Del]

It depends. What are they strict about?

4 Name: Aoi : 2017-04-07 20:15 ID:hiiKoZ1i [Del]

You would have to explain on how they are when you say "Strict". Otherwise we won't know how to answer.

5 Name: Autumn : 2017-04-07 21:04 ID:Zkv/h187 [Del]

just tell them they are being to strict and you would like some space

6 Name: Rin !A./pWd82aQ : 2017-04-07 21:11 ID:LPHuEPsM [Del]

Just shoot them

7 Name: Water The (MetalHead) Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2017-04-07 22:44 ID:4NMGKhtV [Del]

Don't be an asshole! I know shit sucks but and sometimes you have to make a stand against an unfair system but shit, girl you've gotta learn how to rise above the obstectal and exell past the expectations of your Mother and Father, they're not strict because they want to contain you. They're strict because they only what the absolute best for you and they're pushing you to the limit! They want to know you have the gall and the wit to succeed in this life! Now, your Father does not like me, and I'm sure your Mother doesn't either. But, I even I can see that they have high expectations for you because they know it's going to take that to succeed in this life. I promise you that much. ;-) You can call me a trolly old fuck but I do know a thing or two about stuff.

8 Name: Rensa : 2017-04-09 12:07 ID:a0vtESjD [Del]

Mmmmm... you probably just have to be patient, OP. There will come a time when you'll be freed from your shackles and on to the world outside! (。◝‿◜。)

9 Name: Luminous Guardian : 2017-04-10 09:07 ID:vS09bpTe [Del]

Thanks guys

10 Name: Rensa !i1VVVBDO/A : 2017-04-10 10:32 ID:a0vtESjD [Del]

No prob!

11 Name: Shimizu : 2017-04-11 01:58 ID:2RNJkxis [Del]

Honestly, if you want the easiest way out, then play by their rules and/or try your best not to get caught in anything bad. Just don't get on their bad side because you never know how you can benefit from them afterward. It's usually when you leave to college because then, your parents decide on how they will treat and support you from there on out, based on how your relationship with them prior was like.
All in all, just play their game well so that you get the best out of the situation. You can choose whether or not you want to be a rebel instead, but remember to consider how your parents would react and feel about you overall in the end.