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Am I strange? (10)

1 Name: Law_26 : 2017-04-02 16:38 ID:/b6o7uRq [Del]

Ok so imma try to make this as short as possible...

When I leave the house I feel like I'm being discriminated against wherever I go, be that at school or at dancing. I feel like I'm... different. I don't like makeup and all that sort of malarkey and I don't understand half the things that people tend to talk about in every day conversations, such as boys, again makeup, last nights to shows,

I know it kind of sounds pathetic but it's really starting to get to me now. Also my friend reckons that I might have depression and I'm considering talking to the school counsellor but I'm not sure if I'm ready or not.

The question that I really wanna ask is.. am I normal?

2 Name: green : 2017-04-02 16:56 ID:X8S6dpbY [Del]

Of course you're normal, it's just insecurity, or that's what it sounds like. You have different interests than everyone else, that doesn't make you different from others, don't worry about it

3 Name: Waiting for Apoptosis : 2017-04-03 16:48 ID:9IH1f1Zv [Del]

What you're doing here is distancing yourself from everyone else. You're purposefully assuming that no one else will understand you. You do not necessarily have to have the same interests as others in order to have a conversation with them, be friends, etc. Friendship is about giving and taking. You both exchange your interests.
Also, this might sound mean, but I guarantee that the entire school is not totally immersed in what you do and do not like. They're people too, and may even have the same problems as you. It's not a purposeful discrimination against you, you may just be overly apprehensive about communicating with certain people out of fear that they will not understand you.

(basically this was me for 6+ years of school, and these are just some realizations that I had in the last 2)

Talking to the school counselor wouldn't hurt either, but also keep in mind that feeling a little sad or lonely every now and again is not abnormal.

4 Name: I'mYourFriend : 2017-04-04 02:10 ID:ZDg8SGB+ [Del]

Well, this is what people asks everytime to themselves. Am i normal?

In my opinion, there's no such thing as "normal" when it comes to opinions. The reason why people call "normal", is because that it stands for the word "common". So if you ask you yourself "Am i normal/common", the answer is: You're not. There's no other you in the world, which makes you special (Basically speaking, yeah, others are also special, but not the same kind of special like yours is."
If you don't get it, it's basically me speaking. It's just being yourself. Don't change the way you are just because you think that you are not normal.

Mkay that's all I can say ^.^ Good Luck Law_26
Ps: If you want to talk about this more, my kik is BooWD (Anyone is also free to chat with mee)

5 Name: builder396 : 2017-04-04 13:38 ID:h30wxWE3 [Del]

Well, maybe youre not a walking stereotype. So what?
But understanding yourself is still important, and thats a slow process sometimes. How to do that is complicated to explain, and I think it depends on the person, but its safe to say that a necessary thing to do is to throw any and all assumptions out the window. Start from zero, taking nothing about yourself for granted. And then figure yourself out from there.
I have that process behind me, always feeling similarly out of place, like I wasnt quite normal, and I wont lie, to took years to figure it out for me despite a lot of it, most of all dreams, but to a lesser but still very obvious degree my actions and behaviour, and one day it hit me like being run over by a truck.
End result: Im transgender. That revelation was more than 2 years ago, and I since started transitioning and its the best decision I ever made.

Im not saying your revelation has to be equally groundshaking, but understanding who you are and how you feel is something very essential to being happy in life.

6 Name: Naomica : 2017-04-04 14:00 ID:LGlmlQ8P [Del]

Try your best

7 Name: ScarredPrincess : 2017-04-04 14:01 ID:POf7JYwT [Del]

no ones normal hun

8 Name: KidaKloen : 2017-04-04 20:43 ID:JZYf0grE [Del]

Dude, no one is normal. I feel that way all the time. All the boys around my school know the names and teams of lots of teams. I know none. I don't have an interest in basket ball, football, or any sport. I may be seen as weird but that's everyone. Everyone is going to judge from time to time. But you can't worry about it. The more you worry, the more you become stressed. You are who You are. It's ok not to have interest in popular things, like me. ^^

9 Name: Hiraita Kigai!wo3NpPPf6I : 2017-04-04 22:05 ID:ouqFObdi [Del]

I totally understand you. I'm an 18 year old girl who has no interest in makeup (It makes no sense. You could take the ugliest person in the world and put makeup on them, but at the end of the day when they take it off they're still an ugly person), can't understand "girl talk", and am completely detached from the stereotypical teenage lifestyle. I would rather sit in my room and read or watch anime than go to parties; would prefer playing outside with the neighbourhood kids than watching whatever people watch on Netflix.

I think it's best to understand that "normal" is just an expectation based off of things that are commonly seen, and sometimes stereotypes. Being "normal", while it is widely accepted, is not necessarily a good thing. For example the "normal" teenager is one that is lazy, rude, and does their best to rebel against every good thing in the world.

As for feeling “normal” I think it comes down to the people who are around you. If the majority of people who surround you in your daily life share completely different interests than you, then of course you won’t feel “normal”. And that’s okay. It’s quite, well, “normal", actually. To me it seems like you just haven’t found those people who have similar interests as you yet.

Don’t feel like you are any less “normal” just because you don’t fit in or hold conversations with certain people. They’re human too, and probably feel the same way you do at times. As for the depression part I don’t think you have it but talking to the school counsellor isn’t a bad thing and may help. My advice is to be happy with who you are and to understand that in the end there really is no such thing as “normal” as everyone is different.

10 Name: marx : 2017-04-05 10:38 ID:bnjMjo8t [Del]

youre normal