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Troubles With Bullies (8)

1 Name: Baily : 2017-03-28 12:31 ID:z7P8ygEb [Del]

I have troubles with bullies at school cause it has gotten so bad that one of them has called me a dick and one other one has called me a bitch. I don't want to spend the rest of the school year just being bullied non-stop. I tell my parents and friends but all they tell me is to just ignore them, and I try but that doesn't work for me very well. So maybe you Dollars members can help me. I will take any piece of advice you give me into consideration and I will try every single one but I will not do any that involve violence as in that is what gets me in trouble. Other than that, I will try any method you give me whether it'd be big or small, I will try them all. That is all for now, I will keep you updated on how things go.

2 Name: Sm17e : 2017-03-28 12:59 ID:LekuTPJ4 [Del]

I'm not really good at giving advice but have you try telling the principle and/or teacher? Idk if that's helpful since you are getting advice from a 7th grader and I'm probably younger than you but try telling a teacher or the principle

3 Name: Sm17e : 2017-03-28 13:00 ID:LekuTPJ4 [Del]

Also, I forgot, try to stand up for yourself when they bully you and try to be around a group of friend.

4 Name: Nori : 2017-03-28 18:13 ID:MywLbGJv [Del]

I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps try avoiding them as best as you can or try being with others so you're not alone when your bullies are around. The best idea is to tell staff at the school although sometimes victims of bullying don't like asking for help from adults. In that case, try your best to ignore them or brush them off because at some point your bullies might just be bored and leave you alone.
I wish you good luck and I hope my advice and the other Dollars are able to help you!

5 Name: Lescuite : 2017-03-29 03:29 ID:/9hev3QC [Del]

I don't know if you count that as violence but you can make the same thing with the bullies like if some of then is fat or if lock like someone that the other will recognize(like a pokemon or something that is popular on your school) try make everyone laugh of then every time they come close of you and if they try to hit you try to make more jokes with they ind make everyone see.
I hope that i don't make things more difficult to you.

6 Name: Baily : 2017-03-29 10:10 ID:z7P8ygEb [Del]

I appreciate all of the advice so far, I will keep them written and will try each of them, If you have any more bits of advice for my bullying situation, I'd really appreciate it.

7 Name: Hitsuji : 2017-03-30 15:43 ID:+TYaDnou [Del]

Bullies usually have problems of their own, and bully people to make themselves feel better. Rather than taking an aggressive approach, I would think about it from their perspective, try to figure out what hurt them in the past, and address it, offer your support. Best case scenario, they want and need the support, and you make new friends, worst case, it angers them more, but since you have the ability to make their weakness known, they will probably leave you alone. Depending on the bullies, I would learn some self defense moves, just in case they start getting violent, for your own safety. I would recommend Krav Maga, if you look it up on youtube they show a lot of self defense moves for hand to hand, hand to knife, and hand to gun. It's relatively fast to learn, but it's up to you. Before you confront them, either look into self defense, or plan to be around a teacher, not within hearing distance, just seeing. I don't know how much this will help, but I hope it does! I wish you luck!

8 Name: Shimizu : 2017-03-31 01:25 ID:2RNJkxis [Del]

I advise you to literally train your brain to get stronger against these bullies. I'm afraid to say that I have not gotten into such a similar situation, but the mind is very strong in controlling your emotions. Being the otaku I am, I legitly learned some important life lessons from anime that even made me feel good about myself, and I would often rethink about those lessons and build up my mental state. Although this might sound rather sentimental, it really works as it had worked very much for me. I really don't like bullies because all they do is drag others down with them because they themselves know that "they are not worth other people's time, and bullying others is their only (and most desperate) way to try to feel like they belong" (this is how I would often think of them). Sometimes, I even end up pitying them for being that way. So, don't let them bring you down like that, because it's such a waste when they can actually make you feel BETTER about yourself. (This sounds somewhat selfish XD)
Also, some of the most important things to do when facing them:

1. Try to not raise your voice or argue with them. Once they know that you're aroused, then they will feel like they're winning.
2. Keep a confident stature and posture; show who's the real higher-up here.
3. If you feel that they won't try anything physical, then attempt a strong comeback every now and then. (And MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A STRONG AND CONFIDENT POSTURE)
4. Try to [secretly] record your conversations with them anytime you get the chance! If the situation gets to the point where you really can't stand them or they push you into a corner, at least you have evidence of them bullying you. You could then report anything you want with those recordings as proof. The anti-bullying organizations are very strict and well against bullying. They would not let that stand.

You may take these tips into consideration, and please do so safely! I want for you to train yourself to become stronger mentally and maybe even physically (if it comes to the worst). Take care! (◠‿◠✿)