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Depression is crawling back (4)

1 Name: Sopio : 2017-03-23 23:35 ID:jDRSyFWU [Del]

Before I found a boyfriend, loneliness caused me to fall into a depression. I craved a lovely hug. Someone to hold my hand. I was lucky enough to find a boyfriend and we went out for about a year and a half. He broke up with me cause it just wasn't working out. Several months go by and We patched our friendship up and now we chat and game together. Its been about a year since we broke and I was fine. I don't know what happened but the loneliness is coming back. I cant sleep. I'm too introverted to go out in the public. Imma big gamer and artist so I don't mind staying inside anyway.
But the quite... it's getting too much, I want to be in love again. I want someone to love me. I need a irl hug
I don't know what to do
I hate crying
I hate feeling sorry for myself
I hate being alone
What do I do
I don't have really any friends that I hang out with. Most the people I talk to are online

2 Name: Erza : 2017-03-24 11:17 ID:Nw4NqsWR [Del]

Maybe you can try to meet the people whom you talk with IRL.
You must be confident in yourself and find new hobbies, visit new places. To resociabilizise fix you small purposes and step by step you will be more confident.Think about one positive thing per day even it's something insignificant.

3 Name: EasternOrc !K9eVpCOYLY : 2017-03-24 14:33 ID:/m3i3en0 [Del]

when i was young i used to play a cartoon movie as a background , just i dont feel lonely, so music can help you or just play a movie in your PC to give you the feeling there is someone (in case you dont like to go out).

>>2 advice is good , so do it if you like it.

for finding someone to love you, i really dont know what to say...just be yourself , i found a girl who likes me because the thing i do for being myself

if you need more help or advice is where you can find me

Good luck and have a nice day <3

4 Name: Nori : 2017-03-24 22:43 ID:MywLbGJv [Del]

Perhaps you could talk to online friends with facetime (if you already didn't.) Talking to friends virtually face to face is significantly different compared to voice chat or messaging.

I know it's probably very difficult to meet new people outside as an introvert but try your best to push yourself out of your own comfort zone. I'm sorry that I can't guarantee that you'll be able to make friends or/and find a love interest but you never know unless you try.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything will turn out well for you!