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Studying not for a career (5)

1 Name: Kaidan : 2017-03-12 01:57 ID:uAgccXna [Del]

So, I've finished school, and I'm at that time where everyone else is going to Uni/College to study, and I have that kind of pressure to go as well, and study something, when I don't really know what I want to do.

It's not the studying itself that I have a problem with, but just the focus on a career being the end result of it. I have an average part time job, and have been working there for a while now, even ending up moving out and being self sufficient. I'm not one who cares too much about being rich or anything like that, so I've been struggling to see the point in studying for years and getting a debt, just to get a job I probably won't like, that will take up most of my time.

But since I'm finished school, I kind of miss the kind of atmosphere and routine from studying. I'm not a very motivated person, but I still like the idea of learning in a school type environment, for some of the topics that I might be interested in. I don't really want to learn any of the things I would study for a job, but still want to study it out of curiousity, and just to see what happens from it (not necessarily that I won't have a related job because of it).

The kinds of topics or things that I would want to study, are things like different languages (Japanese first obviously), writing (novels, light novels, whatever really), Flying (despite it being a whim, I do find travel interesting and am curious what it would be like to get a pilot's license), and just other things like that.
The main thing is languages, because I just kind of want to learn them, in a school kind of environment with other people, but I don't want to do it so I can get a job, I just want to learn a few languages. And if you haven't noticed yet, I kind of miss school, especially since I don't see other people much and all anime seem to take place in school. I may be an adult now, but Uni is still school, just for people my age.

Does something like what I'm describing exist? Or does anyone have any suggestions for what kind of things I could do?
Also, I live in Australia, if that makes any difference.

Thanks for reading.

2 Name: Sigh : 2017-03-13 14:47 ID:jGQ8jK6k [Del]

You could, for instance, start by replying to my mail. (-;

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Dafree : 2017-03-13 15:38 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

Just go to University then for the sake of learning rather than for the sake of getting a job. Save money through your job , make a plan, and just go fuking balls to the wall. THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER.