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I don't really know (4)

1 Name: Clueless : 2017-03-11 09:37 ID:jEeMxSOU [Del]

So I'm entering senior high next school year. But at this point, I still haven't decided what to pursue in my life. Everyone around me seems to have their own dreams while here I am, struggling. Especially I have to choose what to specialize in in senior high (the curriculum here requires that). I'm not that smart nor wise. I crack under pressure. So anything that requires critical thinking may not be for me. I really want to know what I should do and I feel so lost. Any tips to help someone find out what they want? Many people say to follow their hearts but my heart's empty lol I don't even think I'm good anything either so choosing something I'm good at is not an option too sigh

2 Name: Kororon : 2017-03-11 12:27 ID:b+6X+6Ej [Del]

I can kinda relate actually. But I've always known what I wanna be. I have wanted to work in a kindergarten since I was 12. But, my plans haven't gone exactly as I hoped. To work in a kindergarten, I need education. To get education, I need to go to school, which is something I refuse to do (been bullied since 4th grade). So now I'm just working somewhere else. I only work because I need money. That's all. If you don't know what to do, I think you should just either continue going to school, or just find some work you know you can do.

3 Name: Calliope : 2017-03-12 08:53 ID:oF5B6b/h [Del]

Soon-to-be-graduating senior here. I can relate too lol. I faced a similar kind of problem when choosing my AP courses last year. I went with the subjects I was good at/interested in and it worked out pretty well. But this year I took up some math-based courses (I seriously suck at math) because the career I sort of want pretty much demands them and I'm struggling quite a bit. I don't necessarily regret my decision to take them, though, because my knowledge of math and physics have grown exponentially, and even though my grades are shit I'm still happy to have learned what little things I have. I'm currently in the middle of receiving replies from the unis I've applied to under various majors and waiting to see how those will turn up. I'm still very unsure about my choice and career and often question whether or not I should be pursuing something I'm naturally good at.

So at this point, I guess my advice would be to not worry about it too much. Regardless of what you choose, you'll probably manage to find something worthwhile if you keep up a positive mindset. And if you don't and end up unhappy with your choice, that's okay too! As much as we like to think they are, our decisions in high school likely won't decide the rest of our lives. On that note, try to keep your options open and maybe go for a course with a lot of applications, something that could imagine not hating or destroying your self confidence or anything. Try to play towards your strengths, but know that you don't have to be *excellent* in everything you do. Good luck, by the way!

4 Name: Kororon : 2017-03-12 10:48 ID:b+6X+6Ej [Del]