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stutering (65)

1 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-04 13:22 ID:xfbFM365 [Del]

hey everyone.
lemme ask a question.
are there any other stutterers out there?
if your out there plz reply I would love to have a chat with someone who understands.

2 Name: Adrian !SzGFKRtWbE : 2017-03-05 01:17 ID:jBs2Aebu [Del]

Yes, and it's the bane of my existence. I usually just try to talk slowly to give me a few seconds to think about what I'm saying.

3 Name: Scarface : 2017-03-05 14:30 ID:fvnG5/bo [Del]

Used to. Because of it I was never taken seriously and treated like I didn't have a brain. I worked close to 3 Years on it and now it’s barely noticeable. I only take breaks a bit more often than most people... which can appear like actin dramatic but it works for me.

4 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-09 15:26 ID:3SggsPBT [Del]

thank you!
there are others wow. well what would you suggest I do.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-03-10 04:27 ID:goLomnPz [Del]

Hm I'll just write down what helped me a little… it might help you too.

1. I read a lot in my spare time, but out loud and with different, strong voices so I can practice how the words sound.
2. I listen to conversations from other people and think of all kinds of replies, so I am prepared and get an Idea on how they talk and what they talk about.
3. I practice doing presentations. Then I recite them in my room and record it all with my smartphone. If something goes wrong I just continue and try to find the flow again. If I finished I listen to the recording and look for errors and parts that are hard to understand (most of the time it's a certain word, swallowing the first view words when you begin to say something or you get faster the longer I speak).
4. I know many people might interrupt you, don’t take you serious or don’t listen. If someone does those things tell then straight to their face (in a sarcastic tone for example) that they surely don’t know much about how to have a polite conversation, that you haven’t finished and liked to go on. Don’t let the behavior of others shrink your confidence, self-worth etc. Many people don’t take introverted or shy people serious as well, but that is just because we live in a very extroverted society.

7 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-10 16:47 ID:gUSf+fGJ [Del]

thank you!
it feels like an obligation to answer correctly and fluently in class and the worst feeling ever is to hear that snigger behind me.
tell me, is there much I can do if I must recite in front of a crowd.

8 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-03-11 06:34 ID:h2rP/2B/ [Del]

If you don't like the people look at something in the background (for example a picture on the wall, a window, an object etc) and only look at the faces of people a couple of times to show that you're talking to them. If you feel like you can't look people in the eye look at their nose. Being prepared helps too so make sure to learn what you have to recite, let it be a whole presentation or just some little questions from your teacher/lecturer to check if you learn enough. If you know what you are doing you gain more confidence, which makes it easier to stay calm and talk in front of people. You can also play situation like this through in your head. Since you know the people it makes it easier to predict what they might do/say. Think about how you could react to them. A funny joke or an cocky answer for example.

9 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-11 16:54 ID:gUSf+fGJ [Del]

thank you.
My go to reply if someone teases or imitates my stutter I just smirk roll my eyes and say give me a shout when you can stutter as well as I can.
Who'd a thought that Porky pig would influence so many stupid people.

10 Name: Adrian !SzGFKRtWbE : 2017-03-11 22:13 ID:jBs2Aebu [Del]

Ah, one suggestion I just came up with is to try and sing. Even if you supposedly suck at singing just try it out and try to articulate every word. If you really want to challenge yourself, try a rap song ;D

11 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-12 10:11 ID:gUSf+fGJ [Del]

Thanks I will!
I just like the teachers who know and are comfortable with my stutter. then there are the teachers who don't know how to deal with it and just look terrified, that's always so amusing.

12 Name: Scarecrow : 2017-03-13 18:42 ID:fH+6Zt1b [Del]

I personally don't have one but there is this youtuber/comedian that does, him name is Drew Lynch and om sure he'll talk to you if you message him


13 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-14 16:06 ID:gUSf+fGJ [Del]

Thanks Scarecrow.
I've seen him YouTube and he's brilliant but I don't know how to contact him and id probably be a waste of his time anyway.

14 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-22 15:35 ID:gF8i79UM [Del]

hello again everyone!

I want your opinion on something else. I was thinking of going to speech therapy. I've been before and I'd like to say it worked but it really didn't although the therapist was very good. well now that I'm considering I would like to know, have any of you ever been to speech therapy and if so did it work?

15 Name: Adrian !SzGFKRtWbE : 2017-03-23 09:33 ID:bhz41I1x [Del]

>>14 I was in elementary school in a small group, but I guess it worked as I don't stutter as badly as I used to :D

16 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-03-23 15:18 ID:gF8i79UM [Del]

Hello again Adrian.
thank you but in England our system is different and a lot more complicated. what happens is we must contact the NHS and ask for one, then we must find a doctors surgery with a licenced speech therapist. These sessions are one on one patient and therapist but since I'm only 13 and underage I must have a parent. I hate talking to people about my feelings and stuff especially in front of my parents. This is quite daunting.
what would you suggest?

17 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-08 18:03 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello everyone.
after all your advice I decided to take part in a poetry recitation at school.
I've known the poem by heart since just before Christmas, I know it inside and out. the show was invitation only but there was a crowd of about sixty people.
after all my preparation and a short but potent pep talk in the bathroom I thought I was ready.
my poem came in about sixth in line so I had seen the crowd and was terrified but sure.
I stood up and was ready, I opened my mouth to recite the first word and sure enough nothing came out, I was having a verbal block as I so often do.
when the word finally did come out so did the rest of the stanza all in one big heap. then I begun to panic and wanted it to be over so in my panic I accidently said the third stanza instead of the second, I realised this and quickly stopped and said the second stanza but to me the damage was already done.
after the last too stanzas mad jagged by my speech and shivering form panic I sat back down and let the overwhelming shiver take the rest of me and thank god nobody noticed my shiver or sweat or the several colours of red on my face.

I could have bloody shot myself, I was so embarrassed and angry and ashamed. my two teachers who had developed my performance and indeed my courage were overjoyed and proud. should they be ?

should they be as ashamed as me?
please tell me (I apologise for the length)

18 Name: Shiro : 2017-04-10 12:23 ID:LlmNz4/m [Del]

I stutter when I'm nervous, but not too badly.
I have a friend who stutters miserably though

19 Name: Persona : 2017-04-10 17:49 ID:TvG7UDTF [Del]

I've had a stutter since I was about 11. I did have a retainer at the time but I'm not sure if it's related. Nearly a decade later and I stutter when I'm nervous, or excited or just really want to say something. I've been told it's because I think faster than my mouth can produce words but I'm not sure. It makes me feel like a total idiot sometimes and I get really embarrassed when it happens, which makes me stutter even more! Ive never met another stutterer before but it makes me feel less silly to know that there are others out there like me

20 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-11 16:30 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello Persona
I'm 13 and I've had a stutter ever since I begun to talk.
I understand how frustrating it is and I know exactly what you mean about embarrassment. I'm in high school and get bullied relentlessly by some people and make some teachers uncomfortable because they don't know how to deal with it.
I also understand how great it is to find more of us, we are here!
isn't it frustrating when people tell us the same things over and over again?

21 Name: Persona : 2017-04-11 16:47 ID:FPCR+6RD [Del]

Hey Jess!
Yeah it is really frustrating- I was actually pretty embarrassed at my university interview when I had a nervous stutter!
I'm 20 but i didn't really have a stutter from an early age, it just suddenly appeared i guess.
Im sorry you had to endure bullying because of it! I guess I'm lucky that no ones ever really bullied me about it, but it must make you feel awful. You've probably heard this countless times before but try to ignore them- don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that you're embarrassed by it. As you get older, people become more mature and understanding about stuff like this...

22 Name: Lionheart : 2017-04-11 17:03 ID:jCsQIt9L [Del]

I stutter a fuck ton lol. Especially when I need to make a comeback, it happens a lot and it's annoying. Now I try to say it in my head first more often so I stutter less.

23 Name: Water The (MetalHead) Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2017-04-11 18:02 ID:4NMGKhtV [Del]

I stutter a lot but only when I'm feeling inadequate. So, as long as I don't allow the anxiety to take hold of my mentality, or over-whelm me, I won't over-stimulate which causes the stuttering that only causes further insecurity. Confidence is very affective cure to this vicious cycle.

24 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-12 06:12 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello Persona
thank you for your kind reply.
you're lucky to have developed it when you got older, I know how frustrating it must be but when I was forming sentences and stopping every few seconds my parents used to scold me.
now I have another question, what are the rudest things people have said to you? ;)

25 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-12 06:16 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello Lionheart.
I know what you mean about comebacks, when you try to wound someone but just end up giving them ammunition.
great timing stutter!

26 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-12 06:19 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello Water The (MetalHead)Toxic Saviour
you should never feel inadequate or overwhelmed it is not your fault. ;)
P.S great name

27 Name: Persona : 2017-04-12 15:22 ID:FPCR+6RD [Del]

Jess- im pretty lucky that no ones ever said anything horrible to me about it. Unless you count my brother teasing me, but we tease each other all the time so its just part of our usual banter.
Unrelated to the stutter, the rudest thing someones said to me was when i was 11, I was in that awkward pre teen stage- plump, greasy hair, braces, pretty common for a kid- and this girl randomly says to me "no offence but you're a bit ugly" Pretty sour! I never let it get to me, she never said anything to me again probably because my friend told her it was uncalled for. Ive had other teasing too but nothing too extreme

28 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-12 17:29 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello again Persona.
Im glad that you haven't been teased and I understand about siblings I've got two but they wouldn't dare tease me about it.
some of the kids at my school are relentless though and others are understanding. you said you're at university, tell me are any of the professors made uncomfortable or is anyone impatient with you.

PS: I like talking to you

29 Name: Persona : 2017-04-12 18:07 ID:EQFbOPfH [Del]

Jess- My brother and I make fun of each other all the time, we're really close though.
I'm sorry to hear that some of the kids are that immature but at least some people are caring!
My professors are pretty chilled actually, they're pretty understanding- there's all kinds of people at university. Even some of the lecturers have verbal quirks! Plus, I don't stutter all the time, and I think over the years I've become more confident. I think high school is probably the worst for these kinds of things, things get much better afterwards

It's nice to talk to you too! :)

30 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-13 10:33 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello again Persona.
that's good that you aren't singled out. in school some teachers actually think I fake it and one teacher tells me to spit it out and laughs. and all my quirks don't help me either.
do you think I should complain about that teacher?

31 Name: Persona : 2017-04-13 12:15 ID:EQFbOPfH [Del]

I think I've never been singled out in that way because I live in a place with so many diverse people that everyone's accepted really. Ive felt singled out for other things but that's another matter entirely
If you feel like that teacher is doing it on purpose and is genuinely making fun of you then it might be worth discussing it with someone you can trust- like a friend or maybe another teacher who you feel comfortable with and that you can confide in?

32 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-13 15:38 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello again Persona
it isn't just me who've noticed what sir does though. a few of my friends have complained and sir just seems to blame me and that only makes him more malevolent.

33 Name: Persona : 2017-04-13 17:29 ID:EQFbOPfH [Del]

If that's the case then you should definitely try and complain! Try speaking to a teacher you can trust and see what they say- maybe they can speak to the teacher for you and ask him to stop. Or maybe speak to your parents about your concerns and maybe they can arrange to meet him and ask him about it?

34 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-14 07:30 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

Hello again Persona
maybe if I do tell a teacher it could stop but honestly at my school things don't get done quickly or ever for that matter.
And my parents don't really like me, I'm the oldest and public enemy number one 9.5 percent of the time.
Anyway next week I'm off to Paris without them so I'm prepared for a break and god knows how many of "those" looks from French strangers.

35 Name: Persona : 2017-04-14 14:56 ID:EQFbOPfH [Del]

It's worth a try at least! I hope things improve for you! I hope things improve with you and your parents in the future and I'm sorry to hear that you don't get along much
! I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip! I've been to France, but not Paris- I went to a small town near the Pyrenees mountains. It was great!
Just remember that everyone will be a stranger there- even they do give you a look just think that they'll probably completely forget about it pretty quickly.

36 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-14 16:26 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello again Persona
it shouldn't be too hard because I'm fluent In a few languages but sometimes there are people who haven't ever heard a stutter before so I'm like a scientific anomaly.
I made a mistake its not next week its the week after but either way I'm still exited and of course not everyone will make it as obvious that I'm strange :)
any way not all people are as thrown off by my speech as others In fact I've made friends with people because they were so disgusted with what others have said in front of them.

37 Name: Emiri : 2017-04-15 20:46 ID:FAU3rkDY [Del]

Hey I also have a stutter! I was in speech therapy when I was younger so it's not as obvious now but it's not gone either. It can definitely be hard sometimes interacting with people when you have a stutter.

38 Name: Libranite : 2017-04-16 06:58 ID:ddvm9fZg [Del]


39 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-16 09:12 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

Hello Emiri. Welcome
I know especially when the person is unaware and gives the 'what are you doing look' or even worse laughs

40 Name: Emiri : 2017-04-16 23:43 ID:6ZdiW/Oh [Del]

I don't get it as much anymore, most people just assume I'm nervous or something but definitely when I was younger I would get things like why do you talk like that?

41 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-17 10:33 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello again Emiri.
a few teachers in my school don't understand that I cannot control it and they try to rush me and end up getting some very uncomfortable looks from some of my friends.

42 Name: Emiri : 2017-04-18 15:33 ID:yNYJxuLE [Del]

I'm in college right now to be a teacher and they say to help a kid with a speech problem is by not rushing them or pointing it out to much.

43 Name: smart : 2017-04-18 16:50 ID:BtcdLnyU [Del]

when the scary teacher calls on me but i wasnt paying attention i make up some stupid answer and stutter non stop cuz idk wtf im saying lol

44 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-18 17:38 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello again Emiri.
that's true but as well as not pointing it out you shouldn't look as if your in suspense either this only causes more panic and pressure

45 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-18 17:43 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello smart. welcome
that's not exactly the same but I suppose we do have a brilliant excuse. sometimes, particularly at the beginning of sentences I just have a block where I cant say the word and if I am picked on I have one of these and it gives me time to think of an answer. or is I simply cant say the bloody thing i.e. cant think of an answer I just look panicked at the teacher and she asks somebody else the same question.

46 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-19 16:28 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello everyone.
on Wednesday I'm going to france.
I'm fluent in the language and know the grammar and pronunciation but I keep having this feeling of dread whenever I think of interacting with a French person because I know that I will stutter and then I'm afraid I will look strange and stupid.
I'm scared.

47 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-22 16:54 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello everyone.
today I pose a question, if you saw a boy or girl with a stutter getting bullied or ridiculed would you do something?

the reason I ask is because this often happens to me and before I give the cruel git what for I look around to see people giving me looks. now some of these looks can be sympathetic and some uncomfortable. so would you look or act.

48 Name: red : 2017-04-23 11:08 ID:30nAW3t0 [Del]

>>47 act. no one should be teased at all for any reason...

49 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-23 13:32 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

Hello red.
I agree, very well said.

50 Name: jin : 2017-04-23 16:44 ID:Ww21g8GW [Del]

>>47 act, definitely. It makes me mad just thinking of people that get off of bullying those for things they can't help. Even about things people CAN help. Bullying period is not cool.

51 Name: jin : 2017-04-23 16:47 ID:Ww21g8GW [Del]

>>47 act, definitely. It makes me mad just thinking of people that get off of bullying those for things they can't help. Even about things people CAN help. Bullying period is not cool.

52 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-24 12:29 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

Hello jin.
YES well said.
especially in places where people lead by example like every British high school

53 Name: Potatohead : 2017-04-24 16:41 ID:HhX9jKjK [Del]

I lived in spain and in germany and in turkey now i live in canada and i changed 11 school and i 9 of them i have been bullied or didnt had many friends. But this helped me to understand people better especialy when some friends of mine stuck with me all the time. If you see somebody be8ng alone or bullied try to make friends with him and dont ask something personal to them just be there and ahve fun with them👌

54 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-04-30 11:14 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

Hello again everyone.
This week has been hectic. I have been around Europe and Paris and back to England all in the space of 72 hours and drove and sailed all the way. its been brilliant. But this week has also been filled with some of the worse bouts of stuttering in a long time. I'm fluent in French but that's no use when I cant say the bloody words.

55 Post deleted by user.

56 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-05-03 13:40 ID:KQ5Ay8L8 [Del]

hello everyone.
once again I would like to ask a question.
what is your worst stuttering experience?

57 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-05-03 15:37 ID:6yMv1zQ7 [Del]

Being humiliated by my father over and over again.

58 Name: KeroX : 2017-05-03 19:06 ID:PHvCddvF [Del]

Hi, Jesspolly1. I am one of those people who stutter alot. I stutter in my everyday life. Most of the times i was made fun of, being teased and even one day i cried about it. And my worst stuttering experience is when i presented my project to the class and i stuttered a lot, my face heated up after that. Dont worry you are not the only one that stutters...

59 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-05-04 14:24 ID:AZptYiGx [Del]

hello again Lighter.
you should tell your father how you feel or felt and tell him either to stop or that he should have stopped. make him listen and stay calm so that you can have a rational conversation.

60 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-05-04 14:36 ID:AZptYiGx [Del]

welcome KeroX.
thank you for your reply. I'm in high school right now but at mine it isn't mandatory to present in front of the class in every class, I'm grateful to teachers who understand but a few don't. also I get teased relentlessly by some people. in English we sometimes have to read aloud and once I got the courage to volunteer so I raised my hand and the teacher smiled at me. I chose to read a very short chapter, about 11 lines long. it started fine a few little bumps but nothing too major but then I had to say the word Callum. what an unbelievably stupid word that I for some reason couldn't say. so I went on trying to say this word and getting more and more frustrated and then I heard some laughing. I kept trying and trying and then I didn't know weather to cry or do something violent so I did both I punched the table and put my head down. then the teacher came and pulled me out of class to calm down. she told me how brave I was and that not many people would do that. and it helped.

61 Name: KeroX : 2017-05-05 18:45 ID:PHvCddvF [Del]

Jesspolly1, Yes you are brave. I agree with the teacher you are brave. I would never raise my hand into reading anything or answering anything. I used to raise my hands a lot but now i am self conscious about stuttering. Not a lot of us "stutters" can do something like that but you can and never get scared. Dont lose that courage like i did. And one Question: Have you ever consulted and SLP and does it help you?

62 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-05-06 07:24 ID:AZptYiGx [Del]

hello KeroX.
I have been to a speech therapist called Linda and it sort of reduced it for a short amount of time. since she moved to Leeds I've had to stop going and its gotten worse again. it did work a little bit but now its gotten worse. what about you?

63 Name: KeroX : 2017-05-06 15:12 ID:PHvCddvF [Del]

Jesspolly1, Almost like yours. I had speech therapist and she taught some ways to control my stuttering but i never really used them. but now it gotten way worse.

64 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-05-06 16:42 ID:AZptYiGx [Del]

hello KeroX.
really, what sort of things did she teach you and didn't they work at all. I'm sure that it cant be that bad and I certain that you cant be that bad, it often sounds worse than it is to us {trust me I know}

65 Name: jesspolly1 : 2017-05-13 13:31 ID:AZptYiGx [Del]

hello again everyone.
I need advice on something. I'm being bullied by certain people in school and I've told teachers but they've done nothing.

What should I do?