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I don't know what to do (11)

1 Name: anonymous : 2017-02-26 16:48 ID:rkBPf/Hi [Del]

My dad is religous and my mom doesnt believe in a certain god but still goes to Church but I'm a athiest but my other side of my family is really religous like your going to hell if your gay religous and my grandma is always marking me pray and blessing me when she comes to visit and I can deal with that but recently she sended a letter asking me to pray everyday and want me to do it with my parents and I don't know what to do I don't want to tell her that I'm atheist or else she will seriously disown me what should I do?

2 Name: Aryandiani : 2017-02-26 22:33 ID:teI7rOmV [Del]

I'm an Atheist, and my family is SUPER religious. I mean, not your fam's level, but still there. If you have someone on your side, such as your mother, why not say your an Atheist? Like, really, what are they going to do. And if they don't like it, well, I guess hope and pray. Heh. Yeah, that wasn't funny. But, no, really, if they don't like you being an Atheist, screw em'. Religion seems to be a leading cause in conflict throughout history, just because they can't accept what you think. It is truly, one of the most childish and crude things you can ever do, not respecting someones opinion. Hope that helped. Probably didn't tho.........

3 Name: Archos Militarus : 2017-02-27 01:42 ID:Cott9uH5 [Del]

Well, I'm religious, so...

I'd just go with it. Better safe than sorry if you know what I mean. If you want to look at it practically:

It is better to believe in God and be proven wrong at death, than to not believe in God and be proven wrong at death.

That's just the straight logical approach. After all, there are plenty more reasons to become a christian, but it would probably be off-putting for me to list them all at once, so I'll leave it here for now.

It's food for thought anyway...

4 Name: Mayuri : 2017-02-27 05:44 ID:Nslodf5D [Del]

Hello, I'm Buddhist here. I'll just say; it's your choice on what you want or don't want to believe in, you sound like you accept your family for their religion, and that's very respectful of you, but maybe you should talk to your bother about it sence she shares the same views as you. Like maybe there's a reason why she tolerances it and you could probably learn from it. I hope for the best. I'm sure your struggle is very serious and your concerns are logical.

5 Name: Mayuri : 2017-02-27 05:46 ID:Nslodf5D [Del]

I meant mother, sorry, it auto corrected.

6 Name: ANGELOFDEATH : 2017-02-27 12:25 ID:GzlzJC6o [Del]

I'm in a similar situation to you, with my whole family being really religious and me being an atheist and the whole not being able to tell them without being disowned thing. If i knew what to do, i'd help you. Just try to hang in there and try and talk to someone at home about it- such as your mother like Mayuri suggested. I hope that everything works out for you in the end.

7 Name: Akihiko : 2017-02-27 13:40 ID:mMo6q9PC [Del]

you dont need to live a lie and be loved for the lie. you need to find a moment to talk and explain to them about it and if they dont like it then just remind them. jesus was a jew spreading a new religion, in old times it was you are this religion or you die but now we live in the world where we can pick not our parents but us. so do as you please but i think you would feel better if you came clean like i am atheist. when i told my family my grandma told me it was my choice (shes lesbian) my grandfather didnt care my uncle was disapointed and half my family disowns me. well if they cant accept who i am then i just calmly say ok. cause they may be family but they will love you and if they stop that means they never loved you in the first place. i hope my little ramble helped you

8 Name: Akihiko : 2017-02-27 13:42 ID:mMo6q9PC [Del]

true family will love you no matter what you are.

9 Name: SoldiusSnake92 : 2017-02-27 15:28 ID:/6PXsbku [Del]

You have to talk to your family that you're an atheist. I was in the same boat as you. I am sure you family will hear you out explain to them why you became an atheist. make sure that will respect their religion and tell them to respect your anti-deist belief. There are times when my family talk about their religion and they forget that i'm atheist, but i got used to it. Don't get triggered if they tell about god and their beliefs it is best to ignore it or just "oh."

10 Name: slash : 2017-02-28 10:42 ID:cfQos+WD [Del]

tell them your gay like i did they just sut up about all of that stuf

11 Name: ImYourFriend : 2017-03-01 01:08 ID:ZDg8SGB+ [Del]

Its not like they can kill you...
Just be yourself. The important part of telling this is that 1. They will know, and 2. They understand.
Its not like you have a choice to be an Atheist. No one have 100% control over something.
Tell to them in your own way. parents will still ove their children unconditionally even when the children did something bad to them. so yeah, Just chill.
Good luck though, I'll stand by your side. And speaking for the Dollar Members too, we'll be here by you.