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Finding what I want to do in life (1)

1 Name: A Rampant Phantom : 2017-02-23 02:33 ID:Beye3r7l [Del]

So it's pretty much what the title says.

So a little insight, I suppose: I currently have an Associate's degree in General Studies.

Basically...the basics. Or as someone once told me: "It basically shows you completed high school a second time."

My current degree shows that I have completed the basics: the minimum requirement for my core classes (Math, Science, English, Social Studies), plus a few electives (Speech,Computer courses, Music Appreciation, Spanish, etc). With the exception of classes that I might need to retake, it should make transferring to another college easier once I've decided on a real major. Right?

Well, now we get to the point of this post. I've noticed that I tend to build up to the point of my posts after a few minor paragraphs here and there...I swear I'm getting to the point.

Finding something suitable for me.

When I actually have the time, I'm a fan of reading and writing, video games, listening to music, and a few other things here and there. For quite some time, I had always wanted to be a writer for a video game company, because I truly enjoy stories. If the story manages to keep me entertained and either reading page after page, or playing level after level, or watching scene after scene, then I consider it a "good" story. If I see something in the story I might say is done beautifully, it might actually bring a tear to my eye. No joke. I'm not afraid to admit it.

But I've learned that I should prepare a backup just in case. Something well rounded, something that might be able to work for one field, but is also useful for another should my first choice fail. I've wanted to work in the video game industry for some time, but I realize that I should also seek other options as well that might be more "Realistic."

When I spoke with a professor once, he said that he taught a Video Game development class. But his suggestion was that if I planned on working in that industry, don't get a degree SPECIFICALLY for video games. Example, he was a graphic designer, and his degree worked both in and out of the gaming industry. So if his job in the gaming industry went under, there might be other business that could use his talents, like an ad agency or even something freelance where he could do designs for people's websites and such. I agreed with his advice 100%.

What's something I could do to try and end this long and drawn out battle of soul searching and second guessing? Has anyone else had this struggle with finding out what they should do with their life, and wondering if they should cast aside what it was they once wanted to do for the sake of pursuing a career that while they might not have wanted, was viewed as a better choice and more socially acceptable in today's culture and ever fluctuating times?

-A Rampant Phantom