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Dollars: College Life (9)

1 Name: ZeroCoke : 2017-02-15 23:51 ID:H2eSDnJN [Del]

Hey!! How can you manage your college life as college student if you are?

2 Name: ZeroCoke : 2017-02-16 21:43 ID:sAXfrATH [Del]

No one is here?
Will be fun because sometime i wanna give up my dream to work in the shit job...

3 Name: Robot : 2017-02-16 21:56 ID:d31sLQLl [Del]

I guess it depends on what you want to do. Some people don't care for the social life outside of who they interact with for school stuff (projects, study clubs, etc). Others are total party animals and put school work on the 2-6am schedule and always seem tired (until party mode kicks in). And still, there are the people who have a lot to do, meet with school people, and still manage to go to parties and such. These are the extremely well balanced people who know that they can operate off 1-3 hours sleep a day or 4-7 hours of sleep a week.

So.... what kind of college life do you want?

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2017-02-16 22:40 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

For college, it really just depends on the classes you take. Some classes will be easy and others will be hard. It's best to try to understand the workload for your classes and try to balance homework, possible jobs and fun. Just some advice from a current college freashman

5 Name: xocrizox : 2017-02-17 01:11 ID:EkGaNgKP [Del]

I am second year college right now and I'm honestly struggling on my studies. I have a very difficult course and it's taking the life out of me. It's demanding my time. I have to give up my hobbies and social life just to pass this course. When I was first year, I gave them up but I realize that I never want live my life like that. I want to enjoy everything and I don't want to regret things so, I started getting social again and I go to parties, have fun with my friends, play instruments, travel, go hiking, and watch anime and kdrama. I have a little time left for my school, but I still do what I need to do and pass what I need to pass. It's harder to pass but I'm happy and I'm enjoying life and I will not regret anything. I just don't want to let school interfere with my happiness.

6 Name: emiri : 2017-02-18 19:14 ID:Pdo9uUvu [Del]

It depends on the person since each person has a different schedule and way they approach school work. I'm a junior and I'm doing pretty well myself but I know people in my classes who are in the total opposite situation. It takes a bit of practice too.

7 Name: Hli : 2017-02-19 13:51 ID:rt6lt4tV [Del]

If you're like me, I have morning classes that start at 8/9am and go until about 1 pm, it would be wise to do homework right after you get back or rest for 1-2 hrs before doing it. that way you can finish early and have the rest of the day to do whatever you want, or spread out your workload throughout the week since there's so much time you can use to do it. If you're ambitious, do all your homework in two days and get the weekend off. Or if you get lazy, plan for a single day (for me it's usually Sunday) to get everything done. If you have a project or paper though, you might not want to wait for the day before it's due to start them, lol.

8 Name: ZeroCoke : 2017-02-27 00:13 ID:6NW5BLHa [Del]

Currently, for this week, we will have a midterm. I mean it will be a death week...BECAUSE of the midterm. ><

9 Name: Archos Militarus : 2017-02-27 01:34 ID:Cott9uH5 [Del]

I just do my assignments and move to the next set of assignments. Although some of my acquaintances keep trying to get my to do D&D with them. Fortunately, my workload is fairly light, and I recently finished a 6 week class.

I usually do all of my work as soon as possible, as I have found that it makes life a whole heck of a lot easier.