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Is This Bad (8)

1 Name: Alex : 2017-02-15 13:03 ID:3s8ZryP2 [Del]

So I've noticed something happening with me lately. I've just kind of stopped having real emotions. I just fake it all, and I prefer being alone. I don't really know why. I'm getting annoyed more easily and I am starting to get angry a lot. So I guess I just feel negative emotions. I prefer when no one is trying to talk to me and they leave me alone. I've started distancing myself from my friends and I've been dreading school, just for the pure fact that I don't want to see anyone. Is that bad?

2 Name: Koogl001 : 2017-02-15 13:59 ID:5aSWZ6P/ [Del]

Are there any other things happening? For example, are you paranoid, hear or see things that aren't real, have sudden panic attacks, unable to feel sympathy or anything else?

3 Name: Malkavian : 2017-02-15 15:13 ID:00XEO1mX [Del]

Probably just a phase, mood swings happen once in a while and then they pass , however if they are lasting for a while then you might aswell do this : when you are completely alone , preferrably during night , just sit down and think to yourself , just ask yourself what could possibly turn you into this and go through any kind of a question with as sincere answer as possible , its just you so honesty shouldnt be a problem :) , you might find yourself an answer. There could be a lot of reasons why something like this is happening and for most part you need to explain when it started, what happened before then etc , a full picture to see the details is what I mean.

4 Name: Lionheart : 2017-02-15 15:26 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

I've been having the same issue. Growing up, I barely had any friends, although the ones that I did have I loved to death and am still friends with 'til this day. However, around 2 - 2 and a half years ago, I made a ton of friends. However, now I am wondering if I like this or being by myself nearly all the time like in high school is better. I'm like you. I put up a happy, go-lucky front but at home I'm pretty bitter and just really apathetic. I don't know. I love the friends that I have, but I honestly wouldn't care if most of them didn't want to be friends anymore. Some I would care, but most others would have me upset for a few seconds before I move on. Ads, the media, and people will always tell you that having a ton of friends is great, and while it is, sometimes being alone is pretty good imho.

5 Name: Scarface : 2017-02-15 16:01 ID:F9Tlt2HM [Del]

Hm I don't know if this helps but think about who are your real friends are and who are just acquaintances that don't care for anything but having fun. Then try to stay in contact with those view people who care and be honest with them about how you feel, because it is better to have a view nice, trustful people in your life than many acquaintances who don't care for anything, except themselves and going out. It can drive you mad to act like someone you’re not in front of certain people so cut people out of your life who expect you to adjust your personality to their character/needs/whatever. It might hurt at first but in the end it might help you to get better.

6 Name: Meow~Chan : 2017-02-15 21:17 ID:2LtCaTwW [Del]

To tell you the truth I feel the same way. I want to be alone but at the same time I don't feel like I have any friends even apparently I am popular. I just want to be left alone and listening to music. But I also think that my heart is waiting for someone to love. I also found myself not carrying for anything. Not even my family. Maybe it is just a mood but I believe my heart is still waiting for the chance to break out.

7 Name: Robot : 2017-02-15 23:35 ID:d31sLQLl (Image: 367x357 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

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In each of these situations I'm reading, something tells me that there are other factors for your distancing. I also feel that you each know what those factors are. You don't need to spill it here if you don't want to, but you need to at least admit to yourself that they exist. Even if you don't do anything to change how you are feeling, knowing why you are feeling that way can help cut out the negativity of it.

8 Name: cooldud3 : 2017-02-16 22:45 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

I don't think there's anything wrong with having fake emotions, I have them all the time. Though I would advise finding someone you trust and talking about it