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idk what to think about this (4)

1 Name: Mr.Brightside : 2017-02-12 14:32 ID:mtbKvRV6 [Del]

im a 20 year old male. I'm in my second year of college. not only am i still a virgin, i haven't even got my first kiss. i can't exactly identify why my love life has just been one failure after another but that's an issue for another time. i won't say I'm hideous. I'm 165cm tall, i weigh 120 pounds, i have a head full of hair and no physical defects. because of my horrible track record with women irl, I figured i gotta find love in some other place. that's where twitter came in. i found this girl who is the same age as me, has similar interests as me and understands my sense of humour. i've been talking to her for over a year now and i think i might have caught feelings for her ( i know how stupid this sounds but humour me lol) now, i guess my question is: do i tell myself to grow a pair of balls, get off twitter and find a gf in real life or should i simply continue the thing i got going on twitter? also, it would be really helpful if y'all could recommend some places i could go to meet new women other than clubs and bars. thank you for reading.

2 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2017-02-12 20:06 ID:Fce9cnmn [Del]

Well sorry to hear how things are going for you, but it does sound nice that you found a nice girl to talk to. I can say is that I have a couple friends that are almost in the same shoes as you, although one is a bit older and the other about your age. Ill tell you the same thing I told both of them. FIRST, always be yourself. No one is gonna be happy when they initially meet someone that seems almost a perfect match only to find out they were no where near what they projected themselves to really be, girls kinda hate that. They want a guy that truly does align with their personalities and could potentially work out in the long run. SECOND, be confident. You must must must always be confident in yourself and who you are as a person. Not saying to be all cocky, that can be a turn off on girls. You want to be confident in who you are and what you have to share as a person.

3 Name: Dafree : 2017-02-13 17:43 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

A wise man once said...
... sometimes you gotta go balls to wall and ask to meet irl.

4 Name: SolidusSnake92 : 2017-02-13 22:30 ID:hPzK/hsK [Del]

>>2 I'll your advice, I was in a situation like >>1 and I feel a lot better reading your advice.