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violence (7)

1 Name: aki : 2017-02-06 08:25 ID:RWFiCDIA [Del]

I don't know if this belongs to Random or not but I wanted to have your opinion on this : "Do you think violence is a solution to the world's current problems?"

2 Name: sika : 2017-02-06 10:53 ID:cfQos+WD [Del]

i dont know

3 Name: Satchel : 2017-02-06 22:31 ID:6AE9Sgei [Del]

I don't think so. I think we have enough violence. Isn't violence part of the reason for the world's current problems. What I said seemed a bit cliche but to me it seems true. In my opinion, we can't keep doing the same thing, like being violent, and expect a solution.

4 Name: Edaneres : 2017-02-06 23:27 ID:a11tJljT [Del]

In a Utopian world it would not be. Unfortunately there are groups of people who believe that all groups of people who disagree with them must die those people you can only fight back because they only believe in the peace that comes when all of the option is dead.

5 Name: Hando : 2017-02-07 19:01 ID:cIeiC2JB [Del]

No,I believe every problem can be solved without violence,except something like crime and terrorism

6 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2017-02-07 22:07 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

I wish violence was never the solution, but there's some people who are so set in their ways that no matter how much you debate with them and give them valid evidence and arguments, they will still refuse to change their mind. If someone is actively being harmful or spouting harmful idealogies and won't listen to reason, teaching and debating won't do anything. Violence and hate is what they know, so that's what they have to be fought with.

For instance, terrorists aren't gonna stop because what they're doing is wrong and illegal and does little to benefit them. No matter how much you try to talk them out of it, they probably won't care. They'll continue regardless of what you say. You have to use violence against them because, although it's not ideal, there is no other way to stop them.

The problem is, it's often very difficult to tell who has that set in stone harmful mindset. It can also be difficult to differentiate between an actual harmful opinion and someone just being stubborn about beliefs that probably won't cause any harm. You can't just use violence for everyone you disagree with, of course. I think that's the underlying issue with the world right now. We can't tell who exactly is willing to listen and compromise and who will behave immorally until their death. Violence is also often easier than reason, so sometimes it is used when it's unnecessary. Unfortunately, it just seems like humans are destined to destroy themselves.

In a perfect world, violence is never needed. Realistically, however, human nature makes us have to use violence in some cases. I am sure there will never be a time that humans don't use violence as an answer. Is violence effective? Usually. But most of the time, there is a better way.

7 Name: blankname : 2017-02-08 09:41 ID:06hJ5U5S [Del]

>>5 so you are saying to stop terrorist groups from fighting is by fighting, so do the exact thing you are trying to stop