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Life :") Is a damn paradox. (3)

1 Name: ImYourFriend : 2017-02-06 01:28 ID:ZDg8SGB+ [Del]

Every time I ask myself: How should I solve this problem, I will always come up with "I don't know." or i'll zone out.

So yea... I've been reading all these personal posts, and commenting on them... I actually felt good about it, until one of my "Best friends" said, "Your advices are shit." Then, for a while, I stopped commenting, thinking that her comment was true and that every advices I gave belongs to the garbage can.. But then, another best friend says," Wow! Your advice works!!!@, then I'm like: "Oh. Okay. wait. Say what now?", and because of that, I made this post :') Honestly, I got a few problems I wanna share about.

1.Understanding- I kinda understand the situation you guys are in. Kinda. probably its because a lot of people rant to me and I imagine myself at their places or smt? But then.. Okay, for example:
"Why are there terrorists in the world?"
I'm gonna say: To prevent overpopulation of humans.
"Is technology good or bad?"
Me: It makes people's life easier. But hey, wo knows. Technology may control our lives in the future.
So yea.. people call me "empath" (Me helping with depression problems), "Neutral Human" (For stating a fact, and a point that I agree with the good side and bad side of things.)
I don't know if I'm the only one who has understanding weirdness in me... if any of you have this "Understanding Weirdness" side, can you please tell me? Am I a freak? Or is it just me being human :')

2. My ability to sense something like emotions over long distance- I don't know if I'm really an empath, or its just my "Understanding Weirdness" side of me :')

3. Sometimes I spout stuff people won't understand. Like:
"Without good, there will be no bad.
Hope destroys you, trust do too.
Never trust others, they will hurt you back eventually.
Everyone will hurt you at one point. You just don't know when."
And people call me Mental cause of this :')

4. real life friends problem- I don't know how to make friends. More like, when I approach someone, they'll push me away after some time. Me trying to find someone I can trust, but then I got rejected numerous times.. Cause of that, I stopped approaching people. I don't know how to start the conversation between me and my friends online.. Probably cause I hate being rejected? and people misunderstand me. People said I spam, but really, I just want to deliver my point across.

Mkay. Someone's calling me. Ima say this as a last message:

Good luck fellow dollars! Don't overthink stuff (I know I do sometimes :'))and that you're never alone!!

2 Name: ImYourFriend : 2017-02-08 08:13 ID:M+2Z3/jD [Del]

Yea.. I get that a lot of people don't understand me 😅

3 Name: Slarki : 2017-02-08 08:59 ID:3jAOLSW9 [Del]


I very much understand your understanding of people. I too am very good at placing myself in someone elses situation and thus am able to refeel them pretty well. Distance doesn't really matter, you just need a certain amount of data on a person to somewhat accurately paint a picture of them in your head. It is seemingly pretty unusual to be good at this or many people are just too preoccupied with their own feelings to notice the ones around them. So are you a freak? Well, are you? Statistically you are not the average. Like almost anybody is in some regards. It's really just up to your definition of "freak" and whether you feel that it is something bad.

Spouting stuff nobody understands generally is either mathematics, science or philosophy. In your case very clearly philosophy. Well math and logic are part of philosophy but that is not the point here. They just fail to understand your statement. Be it due to ignorance or inability. I had no probling understanding them.

The making friends part is where reality strikes the harshest. It is not hard to make friends, but it's hellishly hard to find people who make good friends. I generally just write it off as being better to not approach many people as most will be alienated by me and my thoughts. There is no helping it, just watch out for the special ones and make sure not to miss those.

Overall: just keep swimming, I guess