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Uhhh (4)

1 Name: Takeshi Avery : 2017-01-31 13:04 ID:fIKKerxS [Del]

Ever since my grandfather died, I've blamed myself for it due to the fact I was the one that my Grandmother (My grandfathers wife) blamed me, and told me that I was at fault for his early demise.
I don't know how to cope with it, even if it was nearly 6 years ago. I have random emotional break downs, I have to lock myself in my bedroom, just so my parents don't see it.
I've asked for help from my best friend and another friend of mine, they've tried helping me, but it only helps slightly.
I'm really anti-social, and people at school make fun of my heritage, if i had not left my original home, maybe then my grandfather wouldn't have died, and my grandmother wouldn't be alone. To be honest all of this made me resort to thinking i was better of dead, and I'm not scared of it.
I'll leave it at that...

2 Name: Jeisu : 2017-01-31 22:08 ID:0Ukyoj2q [Del]

Hello, I'm the person who asked for book recs.
It is NOT your fault that your grandfather died. You are not to blame okay. You must realize that it was his time, he died naturally and it was not because you moved.
I know it is hard to deal with this (my grandmother just passed away), but you must try to move on. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be more than happy to listen to you. Just know that you're worth something and there are people here who are willing to help you.

3 Name: Youdi : 2017-02-01 21:07 ID:6B6u/lzk [Del]

Just like Jeisu said, It was your grandfather's time. You must also know that your grandmother is just as sad if not sadder than you for his loss as she has been with him for much longer. What your grandmother said was not right but people say things they do not mean a lot of the time. It's not your fault and you should never think that. If you have any other concerns pleas message us, there are people who are willing to help. Thinking you should die is an enormous decision which cannot be reversed and will affect the people around you in a terrible way. You made the right choice of telling us so please continue along this path and I'm sure you will be alright in the end.

Sincerely, Youdi

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2017-02-02 08:35 ID:4dYTDBkh [Del]

I know it's not easy to deal with, but it definitely wasn't your fault. Death happens to everyone, even if it doesn't seem like it's their time. All I can say is to try to stay positive, no matter what happens.