Dollars BBS | Personal
















Idk what to title this (6)

1 Name: Riley Baines : 2017-01-28 21:14 ID:Ae2f0sff [Del]

I know this probably sounds pathetic to some people but either imma say it...

I feel like my mum is way too irresponsible as a parent. My mum is my only parent and we live together alone, but on Tuesdays, after school I have dance till 6 or sometimes 5!but by the time I get back home mum is always at work, she works on Tuesdays, thursdays, fridays, saturdays and some Sunday's, I understand the fact that she needs to work, but she doesn't get home until ridiculously late at night. I once woke up at 3 am to the dorrbell ringing and mum still wasn't home, I went to the door and asked who it was before opening the door. The man behind kept on insisting that he was my godfather, but I freaked out because I was never christened and don't have any godparents. I eventually recognised him as my mums best friend who was SUPPOSED to be my godfather but never was. I let him in and he started to ask where my mum was I replied saying that i didn't know so I had to call her and she was at her friend house!!!! Whilst I was home alone with the door unlocked because if I locked it then she wouldn't be able to get back in when she comes back home. And at this point I think I had just about turned 12. When I walk through the front door after school etc she never says a word to me and I go to my room. My dinners are usually ready meals (microwaved meals), pot noodles microwave pizzas and things of the sort. I feel I don't have a balanced enough diet and due to this I always feel ill. My mums boyfriends have all been awful. The first I remember would get angry at a lot of stuff, he once pushed mum into a mirror and smashed it, and also smashed the fish bowl killing the fish inside it. The next one, was nice when he wanted to be but was EXTREMELY strict, he would tell me that when I grew up I would be pathetic and that no one would ever want to marry me etc. And would tell. Me that I would never be able to do the jobs that aimed for because I'm not smart enough. They would shout A LOT of the time and push each other about. His son would clearly get given special treatment when compared to me and would get away with doing just about anything. he also had a clear monopoly over the tv and the living space of the house. After 7 long years they finally broke up. 2 days after breaking up with the previous one, mum got with someone else. I told her that I hated this man and she ignored me and carried on going out with him. He constantly tried to buy my approval with money. He was a MEGA twat when drunk and would always find a new Way to make mum cry. When ever I confronted her about him, she would shout at me and tell me it was none of my business even though I practically had to live with the guy. Apparently, those two have been broken up for about two months now according to mum, I feel I should know about these things as contrary to what she believes, it really Is my business I would like to know what is happening to the person who is living in my house. When mum was with her second boyfriend, she would pick me up from dancing 21:00 on Fridays and then drag me down to the local pub until around 2:00 at the latest. She would tell me I was welcome to walk home if I wanted even when at this point I was youngest about 11 and the car park leading up to the flats we live in has no lights that function properly. So of course I could never bring myself to go home. Every now and again I will wake up go in the lounge, and there will be some random person in there that I have never met before I've never asked bout it but I assume it's people mum has dragged home from where she works as a bartender in a pub.whenever I leave the house as long as I tell her that I'm "going out" and that I'll be back before xx:xxam/pm she won't even ask any questions about it. (by the way I am 13 nearly 14. This may actually be a normal occurrence but I'm not sure, as whenever I mention any of this to my peers, they show a concerned expression and say things like it's wrong for me to be left alone until so late at night. So I'm not too sure

DON'T get me wrong of course I love my mum, but I'm starting to have serious doubts about wether she is suitable to be a parent or not .although there is nothing that I can really do about this, I would still like to ask THE DOLLARS opinion on how I should handle this matter. Thank you

2 Name: RandaRanda : 2017-01-29 19:05 ID:3DJXb56k [Del]

Please take no offense when I say this but the home enviroment your mother has created is certainly not perfectly healthy. However you if make the best of things you'll be fine, that is unless these altercations between you and your mom or her boyfriends start to worsen or escalate. If that happens I encourage you contact somebody from your school or an adult you ttrust and if it's really bad call CPS or 911.

3 Name: Gojin !9u5kgpRByg : 2017-03-22 20:56 ID:xHoiUsfi [Del]

im no expert on broken homes but i do agree with RandaRanda thats totally not healthy and to think that you're so young and living like this personally i dont know what id do but do what you think is the best you clearly have the better judgement in that house (assuming its just you and your mom)

4 Name: Hli : 2017-03-23 22:25 ID:VsYUbswa [Del]

I agree with RandaRanda.

There are two ways you can deal with your situation. One is to let it get to you, and two, is as RR said, make the best of your situation.

You're obviously pretty intelligent and know that type of environment is bad for you. If it sometimes gets to be too much, talk to someone. Tell a trusted adult like a teacher or counselor.

It sounds like your mom doesn't have the best eye for character. In case of abusive boyfriends, always let someone know what you're doing and where you are. Remember, it's not the victim's fault.

Last, if you can't handle your mom sometimes, try to stay at a friend's. Don't blame your mom. She sounds like she tries pretty hard to make ends meet. She's also probably pretty lonely, tired, guilty etc. She most likely knows the environment the two of you are living in now isn't the best, and is definitely not what you deserve. Parents beat themselves up a lot. She probably looks for guys who she thinks can support the two of you and it ends up being the assholes. Help your mom whenever you can. Surprise her. Show her you appreciate what she does. Give her a little strength, you're her baby.

You're pretty young right now. Trust me when I say, you'll understand when you get older. Everything comes into perspective. I know it's rough, but your mom will really appreciate your understanding in the long run and it'll be better for your relationship.

This is all advice coming from a bad child. I was pretty shitty to my parents because of my home environment, but look at me now. I have a genuine understanding of them now and my relationship with them is better. Now I just have to get my kid brother to stop being a douche. He's trying to follow in my footsteps.

5 Name: misaki : 2017-03-23 23:28 ID:NRMVJnah [Del]

i feel you i don't have it as bad as you but my mom dates some crap guys and if mad she will say she wished me and my brothers were dead or slap me she told me she stopped drinking but when she goes out to he so called counsellor she always comes hoe seeming kinda drunk and i can always smell alcohol on her breath she scares the crap out of me and is always calling me a no good fucking punk because i dress kinda like a gangster

6 Name: Shimizu : 2017-03-24 20:34 ID:2RNJkxis [Del]

I really respect you for having gone through all that mess and still be standing in the end. I don't relate to it at all, unfortunately; however, I can say that I know that people in your position always make it out in the end very strong. For now, think about it: do you want to support your mom right now? Do you want her to see or notice anything? Do you have ideas of good decisions to turn to right now? Think about it, hard. Trust your gut. This way, you know that what you are doing or will do is the right way to go about things.
You are only 13/14 right now, so you can't blame yourself for anything that happens. If you honestly are stuck at a dead end and really don't know what to do, look after yourself for now. You know that your meals aren't all that healthy, and you therefore feel sick often. Do some research to learn what your body needs and try your best to improve your health without having to stress yourself with your mom. If you have trouble with this because your mom is the one who mainly buys the food, then ask for an allowance from her and use it to buy your own food. If you feel comfortable and trusted enough by her, then offer to buy the food using some allowance from her. If none of this is still no good, then find ways to earn your own money. Just because you're in this situation doesn't mean you have to be stuck in it forever. Pull yourself out of it. I'm not saying you're lucky to have this kind of life, but the one benefit you can get from it is that you can grow up faster and take on more responsibilities since you're almost forced to do so anyway; you will learn to be independent of yourself early.
As for the money situation, you can take on little jobs, find ways to earn money from your school, or even get your own part-time job (if possible).

Don't stay stuck in your situation. Learn to grow from it. Find the best and safest way to go about things, and use your knowledge and gut. If you think it's a good idea to talk to someone you trust, then do so. Make sure your safety and benefit come first. Try to understand things from your mom's perspective, and then take things most into your consideration in the end. You are stronger than a lot of people now, so keep improving and building yourself up!