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Is everything losing it's seriousness? (5)

1 Name: ... : 2017-01-24 04:35 ID:pw6cGpWX [Del]

Is the world "not being serious enough"? It's hard to phrase this question but I just feel like nothing is really that serious anymore. Like anime for example, I just feel like everything always tries to put comedy in it, and that it's rare to come across serious series anymore.

Can things get too "not serious"? Is this actually a thing or am I going crazy? I guess the main thing people would associate with the word "serious" is "boring" but that's not how it works, they're completely different things.

I just don't know what to look for anymore because it feels like people's main way of "getting along" involves things losing all seriousness. Is being interesting not a thing anymore? Is it not possible to be anything but bland if you don't use comedy or do anything that isn't serious?

Am I the only one who is starting to get bored or tired of things always trying to be funny and make you laugh? I don't mean that I don't like comedy, but rather that I feel like I'm seeing it too much and don't get much of anything without it.

It just feels like anger or hate have become the most common reasons for people to be serious.

I say this as the unaware, confused human I am, just curious to hear others thoughts on the matter, and figure this out as I/we go along. I also apologise in advanced for my poor explanations/phrasing as well as general misunderstandings that will probably come up.

This is just a seed I saw on the side of the road as I travel through my journey of life. I decided to plant it, just in case something interesting will sprout because of it.

2 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-01-24 07:20 ID:+pcvHh6x [Del]

I completely agree. But I feel like it's not only a phenomenon in anime, but in society overall. Especially in the age group below 30. As soon as you want to talk about a deep subject, let it be a philosophical question, politics or problems in our society people always want to change the subject to something light-hearted and refuse to have a nice, deep discussion. I believe one of the main causes is that many people don't know how to deal with pressure and, let's be honest; this world can be very cruel. I think many don't want to/can't deal with the blanket of darkness lying on this world and just want to loosen up and have fun. For example with a bubbly comedy series.

As for interesting not being a thing anymore... many people define interesting differently. Many are interested in having fun and fun activities. (Some truly aren’t “fun” for others like gossiping behind someone’s back after stalking their insta/fb/twitter and so on). Only doing light hearted stuff like partying with people you probably don’t even know well and talking about the new celebrity scandals is easier than having deep discussions, where you have to be informed. They are interested in the newest, pricy shirts, phones and stuff to brag about (on the internet)… I’ve also realized that many don’t even take a job serious anymore, complain 24/7 just because they can’t hang out with fun people 24/7 and are bored all the time if they can’t do “fun” stuff with other people. Many lost the ability to focus on deep subjects on their own and are only being stimulated by a highly energetic, funny environment. I dare say many Yolo-people (I hope you don’t mind that term) want to have a nice, trouble-free, comfortable and easy life without dark thoughts because... why caring about the rest when having the time of one’s life living like that... me me me peple who think they are the center of the universe and only care about their own happiness and don't want to deal with difficulties and deep subjects which affect our society on a daily basis if you know what I mean. Serious topics are no fun for them. You might even burst their little “Funbubble” by naming one.

To be direct I can't stand people who always smile, laugh, joke around but never get serious. Making jokes from time to time is completely fine, but constant comedic relief, let it be a guy in a group or in an anime, gets on my nerves after a while. Simply because it just seems so bland, fake and unfitting in some situations. As a side note: Some people might even be interested in deep conversation but they want to have friends to hang out with because they don’t want/ aren’t able to be alone so they just copy the behavior of “Yolo-people” to fit in because being “boring” to the masses isn’t easy. It might frustrate them but they’ll keep a happy mask on so they don’t become an outcast. Whatsoever… I think the subject you brought up is quite interesting and I hope some more opinions by fellow dollars will follow. I hope my English wasn’t too flawed since it isn’t my native language.

3 Name: Tako Neco : 2017-01-24 07:32 ID:e/6Q7hjF [Del]

Hi guys I'm also new on this site, but back to the subject at hand. Yes I do believe that comedy is starting to become a thing...too much of a thing if you ask me. For example, Politics have always used some sort of reason as to have comedy, mostly the election of 2016...Well I'll talk more later about the subject at hand, hope you all have a good day!

4 Name: ImYourFriend : 2017-01-25 01:16 ID:9MBK/3e5 [Del]

Welcome to the age of technology, where everything is considered lies.. Lies to unseriousness ;")

5 Name: Dafree : 2017-01-25 18:52 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

u reading too much into mate just laugh a bit yea being super serious can be awkward sometimes and thats why people don't do it as often