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Venting (5)

1 Name: Ouro : 2017-01-11 20:35 ID:xJAwweSv [Del]

Okay hello everyone who decided to read this. I'm going to blatantly vent on here, hope you don't mind.

I'm going to start with saying that I'm a male of 15 years of age, and last year I started dating another guy... yadda yadda... a lot of stuff has happened, we're really close and love each other a lot, we're planning a future and such, etc etc. My mother found out a while ago and has gotten rid of all internet access. Obviously, she isn't a fan of me being a homosexual. I'm using the library's computer right now and long story short I'm afraid that he's going to leave me and find someone else despite the numerous occasions where he told me different. I also rarely get to talk to him and it's very brief. For over a year we were nonstop talking (with some other set backs) through the phone and computer. I've realized this sounds like the teenager "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HIM MOMMMM!" But well, it kinda is.

Any tips to keep myself sane? Or not be so dependent on my lover who lives a trillion miles away?

2 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2017-01-11 21:10 ID:x2D7Ibtq [Del]

I wanna first ask: Did rational conversation not work out? Do you understand exactly what her reason is for not allowing your relationship to progress? This may be a bit odd to ask but what's your relationship with your mother? You don't have to answer an anonymous person like me if that makes ya uncomfortable however.

3 Name: Rya Rui : 2017-01-12 03:57 ID:8GkqbKfP [Del]

So you have come out hah? Have you tried to convince your mom to accept you as what you really are? It would be an important things to have supporter and to get your life much easier. You can also get through many things such as prejudices from society, friends and stuffs.
About your lover... Humph, things will go on like it will be. Just love him with all you have. I can't tell probably but you must be practical.

4 Name: anonymous : 2017-01-12 18:32 ID:2bXfRy7h [Del]

any tips to keep urself sane? sry but ur insane already as u r homosexual. also y does ur gay partner live so far away? do u guys even go same the school if ur only 15. uve still got a shit long way in ur life lil boy, change ur orientation ASAP, focus on school instead of anal sex, get a proper job, make a family. problem solved.
im not trying to be offensive even tho it obviously is but i think being gay or worrying about being gay, gay partners, or talking to family about it isnt necessary in life. this is coming from a 36 year old former homosexual btw, and ive seen it all. even now i look at myself here on this website created by weeaboos to recreate their favourite anime show's lil pretend gang organization and wonder wtf im doing with my life. signing off and good luck to u kid.

5 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2017-01-12 21:00 ID:X3hGKZ3n [Del]

Is your mom very religious or something? And another thing, are you perhaps able to talk over cellphone or did your mom take that away too?

If you are unable to use your cellphone, I would advise that you go out to places with public wifi, such as the library. Cafe shops sometimes have public wifi.

It's unfortunate that your mom does not approve of your sexuality, and since you're only 15, there's probably not much that you can do. I think the best thing that you can do is trust your boyfriend when he says that he won't leave you.

However even though I say that, even if it weren't for your mom, it is quite likely that your relationship will not work out. A lot of relationships do not work out for one reason or another. I'm not saying that your relationship will fail, but there is a chance that it will fail and you shouldn't have a mentality of "I can't live without him". I'm not trying to put down how great your relationship may be, but instead just to warn you to perhaps not have such high expectations such that you may get disappointed easily.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck.