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How does love feels like (8)

1 Name: EasternOrc : 2017-01-09 18:59 ID:8SmilYoS [Del]

Its 4am right now,i was supposed to sleep hours ago but i couldn't, as a person who never dated before. How does love? Talking? Eating etc.. With your partner gf/bf feels like ?

I would love to imagine that from your experience!

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-01-09 20:13 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

Love is sharing experiences together. Having something to care about more than anything else. Someone you can rely on to always support you.

Love is feeling like you've made the best friend in the world.

3 Name: WesternOrc : 2017-01-09 21:49 ID:2bXfRy7h [Del]

how does grammar?

4 Name: Macha : 2017-01-10 11:10 ID:bRr9g5XO [Del]

Pretty much what #2 said!

I would add on that love is also having a level of understanding for someone that would make you never feel furious or angry at them. Of course you'll feel frustrated by things, irritated, or upset, but you would neber hold anything against that person because of how much they means to you and because you know they never intended to seriously upset you

5 Name: Haru : 2017-02-27 09:58 ID:i1DBbhbw [Del]

I believe love feels different for everybody. For me, when I'm in love, I want to be with them, even if it wasn't possible at the moment, and I notice how I'm thinking about that person again and again. Maybe even making choices and keeping them in mind. I also want to protect them and help as much as I can. Every time they are in a bad mood or feeling down, I love it when they open up to me. Even though I can't do much, I hope listening helps a little at least. Mostly love is caring and indeed understanding each other (or even trying to understand).

Lots of love! (。・ω・。)ノ♡

6 Name: Usagi : 2017-02-27 10:03 ID:75zPcXQu [Del]

Love brings about the biggest mistakes of your life.
But if you get it right, they say its heavenly.

7 Name: sika : 2017-02-27 10:48 ID:cfQos+WD [Del]

sry 2 b a downer bu love is not real its a stupid thing made up by greeting card companys 2 make money of of junk i thought i was in love but he cheated on me with my best friend and then i thought that was love again when i got enaged but he boke the wedding off

8 Name: archadmiral!VmTvAAtekg : 2017-02-27 21:51 ID:cfBVrN60 [Del]

Love has no meaning, neither does morals, and neither does most words, we give it meaning based on how we respect love in others, love in ourselves, and we make it more than what most label it, if we throw it around like salt, then the world love becomes more similar to he meaning of salt.

Give love meaning to how you want to feel with someone. You will know how you want to feel and how you want them to feel with you when it comes :)