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Health Issues (3)

1 Name: Anon : 2017-01-08 01:28 ID:Ule9piN/ [Del]

Before anyone says anything, I would like to say that I have actually been to the doctor's many times and they cannot find what is wrong with me. I would just like more insight and would like to know if anyone else has or is experiencing what I am going through now.

So basically I can't stop throwing up. It's been going on and off for over a year now. I can eat for maybe two weeks, and then they next four I'm sleeping by the toilet. I used to be a-okay with eating. In fact, people have told me how much it surprises them when I come out with a nice hefty plate of food. (I love food, a lot. Like damn, I could go for a cheeseburger with bacon and onions! Yum!) I have a naturally high metabolism, which is why. But within the year, I have these issues where I cannot eat for weeks at a time. If I eat anything, I throw up. I can't even stomach ginger ale or sierra mist, which is supposed to calm the stomach acid.

Obviously not natural or okay in the least, but any advice and or stories similar? Like it'd be cool to know I'm not weird.

2 Name: EasternOrc : 2017-01-09 07:12 ID:8SmilYoS [Del]

tbh this is the first time hear about something like that , but for throwing up we usually drink 7up but i know people who try coca cola to stop throwing up , you can try to eat other kind of food and see if you still have any problem.

i hope you get better soon !, good luck and have a nice day !

3 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2017-01-09 13:15 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

>>1 Hahahahaha! You might be one of the rare cases! Have you gone to the emergency room? Gotten X-rays? Maybe there's something blocking your intestines from passing down food! Maybe your own intestines are twisting and causing a knot thus making you throw up everything you eat and drink, including sierra mist or ginger ale!

Here's my story- Tl/dr at the end

Ever since I could remember there were times where I would throw up whatever I eat. It wouldn't last days or weeks in a row, it would just be every once in a while for like a whole day. Usually when I would throw up, I wouldn't eat anything or drink anything for the rest of the day. Well I made a different choice two septembers ago.

I thought my "stomache" was in a lot of pain that day. I had to work that day. Since I didn't throw up I went ahead to work anyway. 15 minutes into the job I told my boss about the pain and the possibility of me throwing up. They told me to drink "carbonated water," cuz it supposedly helps with upset stomachs. so i went to a a Rite-aid a minute away from work and I bought the water. I drank it during work and it didn't help at all and it tasted disgusting anyway. 3 hrs into work after finishing the carbonated water, I threw it up and went home.

At home I tried to drink pepto bismol. I threw it up. I tried to eat some solid foods my dad made. They tasted good, but I threw it up. So I stopped eating because I was throwing up everything. And the pain in my "stomache" wouldn't go away after throwing up, like it usually would. I threw up some more and the pain lasted over a whopping 6 hours. This wasn't the first time I felt this pain, but it was the first time I decided I needed to go to the hospital.

My neighbor took me to the hospital since noone in my family knew how to drive at the time except me and I was in too bad of a state that there was no way I was driving (Now I legally can't drive, but that's for a different medical reason, a different story).so at the hospital emergeny room I told them I was throwing up everything I ate. They suggested the possibility that I was just throwing up because I ate some bad "fast food" earlier that day. As convincing as that would be to anyone else and a usually gullible me, I told them that i think something is blocking my intestines and that I want to be checked. They lol'ed and said okay (they just wanted me to get out of there,they didn't think it was anything abnormal). So once they x-rayed and checked, low and behold, something "round" was blocking my intestines from transferring food. I was right.

Immediately I went in for surgery and then that's when they made the discovery. During the surgery they discovered that my intestines themselves had twisted up! It was Not some bad food I had eaten! My own body literally was NOT NORMAL! They discovered two things. One, a Meckel's diverticulum (it's a slight bulge in the small intestine present at birth and a vestigial remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct, It is the most common malformation of the gastrointestinal tract and is present in approximately 2% of the population, with males more frequently experiencing symptoms). And Two, a mobile cecum, as in my colon, floating loosely around my insides not attached to the abdomen (Only occurs in like 10% of the population). Both of these abnormalities are things which can cause the pain I was having. Why?

Because meckel's diverticulum can cause bowel obstuction and keep one from taking any food down at all. Which is partially what happened in my case. And my Mobile cecum itself, since it's floating loosely in my body, could end up twisting around my intestines to the point of blocking my body to take in any food at all too. Which is also what happened in my case. I was born like this and meckel's diverticulum is something doctors were supposed to fix immediately after birth, I just somehow went unnoticed until that september at 19 years of age. So here's what they did.

The doctor surgeons just untwisted my intestines and removed the meckel's diverticulum (as well as my appendix 'cause they were like, eh, he needs to get this removed at some point anyway). And they left my mobile cecum mobile because that was a completely unexpected find during the surgery.

So now I'm fine to an extent and meckel's diverticulum won't cause me any problems anymore. Now it's just my mobile cecum that might cause me intestinal problems, I can't get that fixed right now because my insurance won't cover it unless done under emergency surgery. So i basically have to be in a lot of pain and throwing up again to get that fixed. And I was in a lot of pain a couple times last year but I didn't go the first time because I had a job interview for my dream career that day. and the second time I did go, but by the time I got to the hospital the pain was gone and I just went home.

Tldr: I had two rare abnormalities extremely uncommon within my own body that would cause bowel obstructions throughout my life making me throw up a lot and go through a lot of intestinal pain for long periods of time. One is called Meckel's Diverticulum which only 2% of the world's population have. And the other is a Mobile cecum which only around 10% of the population have. I had surgery to get one fixed but I still haven't had surgery to get the mobile cecum fixed, so that causes pain every once in a while still.

To >>1, I think you should ask your doctors about possible bowel obstructions and maybe even bring up meckel's diverticulum and mobile cecum because maybe you could be one of the rare cases like me.