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PTSD Help (4)

1 Name: Wanderer : 2017-01-06 09:55 ID:CUbjL7jL [Del]

Has anyone ever been in combat or know how to deal with the stress of being at war? If so how do you deal with being away from your family and friends so long? How do you deal with not being able to tell them certain things? I've been a member for a long time but I usually kept quiet about these things. But now I'm at a point of my life where I need to know how to deal with this stress from someone else's perspective. I've heard all the regular advice from the specialists and doctors, but this never changes anything for me. I want so badly to be a normal person again but now I'm afraid that's never going to happen not with the way I've changed.

2 Name: xXlYuutolXx : 2017-01-07 14:49 ID:E3ewnyQM [Del]

Hello wanderer, I am a very young person, and I do somethings that people of my age wouldnt do at this age, nothing really bad though. So now that I do this kind of things I couldnt let my family know so when I get problems related with this Im alone, I cant reliable in my family thats actually causing a lot of stress, I save much things for my own for I dont know now how much time, thats why I can kinda understand you problem. So in what have you turned, in what asspect do tou have changed?.

3 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2017-01-08 13:15 ID:zuM2BM43 [Del]

I think the best thing you can do is to try and talk to people. Tell them about what you went through, and what you are feeling. I know it's a lot harder said than done, and that you might think that they wouldn't understand you since they have no idea what it's like. But at least they'll try to understand, and understand it better than if you distance yourself from your friends and family and don't say anything. You may not become "normal" again since you've experienced things most people will not have, and I'm not sure what you mean by "normal". But if you just continue to distance yourself from friends and family, you'll just end up distancing your relationships with "normal people". And overtime, hopefully even despite the things you've witnessed in war, you can put the trauma behind you.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-09 06:29 ID:W2k0JkYj [Del]

The best way to deal with that is to find someone whom you can trust. Someone who is always there for you, someone who is always beside you and asks you when you are feeling down. If you can think of that "someone". ask yourself, does this guy trust me, does this guy a real friend, does he tell me his/her secret.

If yes, then you will be able to tell him/her what you are in right now, your feelings, and what is inside your head. Eventhough you are in a war, a fight, or suffering from any problem, you will always need somebody to be by your side.
But then, it is up to you if you will trust somebody, or just keep everything inside you.

I wish you a good life.