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Falling for my best friend... (4)

1 Name: I'm horrible : 2017-01-06 07:16 ID:4DH7TcVs [Del]

I'm really not sure what I should do...I'm with someone who is a male and I've been wanting to break up with him for awhile as my feelings are no longer there for him except my parents kinda force me to be with him....I'm also bisexual (most people assume I'm straight)...I've had feelings for my best friend for awhile now. Though I've never told her about it because she likes another guy but recently she said "she'd rather be full lesbian" he's been a real douche to her lately...she's told me she's bi before I guess that's why I found it okay to have these feelings to begin with..but I'm not sure if I should tell her though because I don't want to create awkwardness between us but it's starting to get that way that when school starts again I'll distance myself from her without meaning to...and I know that would probably upset her because she's told me many times I'm the only close person she has in our city (her other friends are far far away)...I'm not really fussed if I get advice as I mostly did this to get it off my chest

2 Name: Kay : 2017-01-06 11:29 ID:lID5Zif5 [Del]

it's up to you how you solve your problem however you will take the responsibility in future if your action gone wrong. If you have no feeling for him (your boyfriend), then find a reason to love him or (opposite). About your friend (girl), the result is nothing if you do nothing...

3 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2017-01-06 14:24 ID:+BA1nUuG [Del]

I don't think you should stay with your current boyfriend if you do not have feelings for him. Though it might be harder said than done if your parents are forcing you to stay with him. Are you able to convince them to let you get out of your current relationship?

Also, I think it would be best to tell your friend about how you feel. It's very possible that you might create awkwardness between you two, but the awkwardness will most likely eventually just fade away with time. And it seems that you two are kinda awkward with each other right now anyways.

And I think that you'd regret it more later on if you did nothing, rather than asked her but got rejected or something. Just think about how much you'll wonder how things could have turned out if you just asked her. At least if you tried, but failed, you could move on without wondering what it could've been.

Anyways I wish you the best of luck.

4 Name: I'm horrible : 2017-01-07 04:52 ID:4DH7TcVs [Del]

My parents are kinda control freaks...especially my mother as she and my boyfriend were messaging eachother last night he was complaining about how I haven't talked to him much...I have a job and so I've been busy or asleep and my mum knows this yet she lectured me about it saying "don't be a bitch" and "he's a nice guy"...she doesn't know everything he complained once to his friends about the gift I got him because it wasn't expensive...

Yeah I think I should tell her but I'll probably wait until I can eventually break up with my boyfriend without my parents getting on my back for it....

Thanks for your advice