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I'm a loser. (7)

1 Name: ∞ Loop : 2017-01-02 07:51 ID:VL2p0yOD [Del]

Hello guys. English is not my mother tongue, I have a huge problem about my grammar and my transmission skills so my essay maybe a little bit confusing. I'm so sorry about that.
In Viet Nam, there are 14 basic subjects that you have to learn when you still sit on the school's chair (Mathematics, Geography, Literature, English (or foreign language), Civic Education, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education, Imformation Technology, Technology, Biology, Music, Art and History). Each grades will have some more or decrease subjects to "balances" it. You know that with that quantity of subjects, I won't have any time to concentrate to the main subjects. That's why I have to go to the extra classes. But my study result now is really poor. To get the gifted students' title (the title that all the parents wants to have), I must get 8+ point for 2/3 subjects (8+ point = A point). But except Civic Education and Technology, I don't have any point over 8 point. Exspecially Math. I only have a 4 (under F point). I'm really upset and sometimes thinking about suicide. I'm a loser. I can't make my mom proud. She was expect from me a lot. I can't get better at calculation subjects. I try to improve it but can't (I don't know why. Maybe I'm too lazy?). What should I do know? My dad always said that Math doesn't apply on life, English is the only matter here. But eveyone around me said the Mathist's thinking is more sensitive. And if you're good at Math, you'll good at everything. Mathist's brains is clearly separated.
I'm really miserable right now.

2 Name: Casper : 2017-01-02 09:38 ID:G9RA5Cv6 [Del]

Parents always want their kids to achieve the best that they can which is why they can be pushy sometimes and put on a lot of pressure. But at the end of the day as long as you try hard and do the best that you can do, they will be proud and happy.

As for people who are good at maths having different brains, maybe they do but then that's for maths. Like taxi drivers have different brains apparently, but that's for memory about where they're going, not maths. Everyone's brains are physically different, every new memory causes a physical change so I wouldn't say people who are good at maths having different brains is anything spectacular.

Finally, yeah school is important but not the only way to a good life. There's plenty of opertunities out there and I wish you the best of luck finding them!

3 Name: Sid : 2017-01-02 11:52 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

I realized most people aren't good at math due to the way it is taught.

One of the best ways of doing math, and math based sciences, is to just try to do the problem. Any way you think will work. If you hit a roadblock try a different way.

Also it helps to write out every step you take to see where a mistake is made, everyone makes mistakes too.

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7 Name: assasinman2676 : 2017-01-02 21:20 ID:CkbiGZNt [Del]

>>5>>6 can you please not wreck peoples attempts to reach out to others, is it so bad to try to open up to people you feel you can trust?