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If Your Not Straight It's Okay (4)

1 Name: A Bi Woman : 2016-12-23 13:02 ID:U6Ayr2Bg [Del]

Dear ____
I am a bisexual woman, and I have been told I've been greedy, confused, and I'm just in a fase. I've been in the closet sense I was eight because I was told being gay was wrong. I came out last year and almost everyone I know was supportive but the few people who said I was greedy, confused, and I'm just in a fase were not real friends and now they're out of my life. So what is this post about? How to help you come out, and how to react if a loved one tells you if your gay. This is also a support group for anyone who is another sexuality then the " norm ".

So if you do decide to come out start by telling your best understanding friend or family member. If they understand try to tell a friend a week later or so. When you come out sit the person and explain that you were born this why and you didn't choose to be the way you are.

If someone does come be sportive and don't you it's just a fase. That's probably the worst thing you could do or tell them there going to hell. And if you believe those things them you can go f**k yourseld. Because being an " abomination " is a " sin " them will forgive me cause God forgives all sins dumb@$$.

A Bi Woman

2 Name: A Bi Woman : 2016-12-23 13:03 ID:U6Ayr2Bg [Del]

*then God will forgive me*

3 Name: Orpheus : 2016-12-23 16:37 ID:pOim14Yt [Del]

People get way too engaged in declaring their sexuality, but fail to recognize it's not really that imporant after all. You can get excited by whatever and one should be cool with that, as long as you are not hurting anyone. Maybe some day people will be more acceptive by default.
Besides, spaghetti is straight as long as it doesn't get too hot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

4 Name: A Bi Woman : 2016-12-24 10:12 ID:U6Ayr2Bg [Del]

Fair game * Claps slowly *