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I don't want to live, nor do I want to die. (15)

1 Name: WhoAndWhy : 2016-12-21 13:21 ID:wpBqO2HL [Del]

Just wanna quit doing things for this corrupted system. I dont want to be a slave and live as they want me to do just for achieving my dreams which are not even real. I dont even want to talk about details. Just wanna talk to someone making sense. Why are you not giving up? how can you maintain yourself? What is the meaning of life to you?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-21 13:47 ID:cq0ieinX [Del]

i actually felt the same (and sometimes still do) and this may sound childish but the reason i live is for anime. I guess it was the one thing that changed my life in a big way. and when i found out some of the things coming out next year, well i want to see them. i know it's weird and this statement is weird, but idk, sorry if it doesn't help.

3 Name: WhoAndWhy : 2016-12-21 14:21 ID:wpBqO2HL [Del]

Thanks for replying. It isnt childish. You've found yourself a way to keep going. And i used to live for anime too. My life was all games and anime. I used to wait for new series, new games. But few years passed and now i know i have to earn my life. Build my career. But how can i do such thing while i dont even want to continue?

4 Name: "Nagisa!4kdXNnnjBo : 2016-12-21 16:31 ID:qALRSYOg [Del]

the whole reason i'm alive right now is because i got hooked on anime. My dad abused me physically, emotionally, and sexually as a child before he was forcefully removed after he caused my last concussion I felt like dying so I don't believe that living for anime is childish. Anime is a life saver to many people.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-22 03:51 ID:cq0ieinX [Del]

Hi again (i tried sending this before but i think it failed), If you want to build a career, then try doing the things you love, and never go into a job you hate everyday of your life, there also always more options, if you do something you love then it wont feel like a job and more of a hobby, i hope that help and i wish you good luck (also remember there is always more options then death)
Also "Nagisa, I'm sorry that you experienced that and i hope you are okay now.
Sometimes Anime really is life.

6 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-12-22 10:05 ID:MjHEjXfp [Del]

>>5 but not a lot of people can get paid well for their hobbies. So that doesn't always work... It doesn't have to be a job you love, just a job that you don't hate is fine, I think. As long as it puts food on the table and gets you a place to sleep.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-22 16:08 ID:s0RqdljP [Del]

Just working and getting paid isnt satisfying for me. I dont know. Why the hell am i living for? I dont believe in an afterlife. So i wanna do things i like. Travelling, writing, creating stuff. There are lots of books to read. I want to know lots of things, i want to search lots of things. But they force me to study things i never need. They fill my head with nonesense. I have to live with brainless people and their stupid system. I just want to be myself...

8 Name: anon : 2016-12-23 00:44 ID:+8pwv5Pu [Del]

im still in high school, and ive always resented the future. I thought that i would end up just like everyone else; go to college, apply for a job, work for money till i die. so i thought, hey, why dont i just drop dead right now? i had that way of thinking in my mind for a very long time.

and one day, i decided, if i'm going to live in this fucked up society, then i will at least live the way i want. i will not be another useless piece of shit existing, slaving for money. i decided my goal in life and i decided to achieve it with everything i have.

the meaning of life is null if you choose it to be.

9 Name: chichan : 2016-12-23 02:43 ID:Iuu2vFgF [Del]

Hey Whoandwhy, can I somehow contact you privately? I am just really curious on how you think and maybe you can hear something from me that might be able to help you ^^

>>6 A lot of hobbies can be turned into business. I think the most important thing is to find something you truly love and am passionate about. Once you find that you have to rack your brains out to make it a living.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Noiz : 2016-12-23 11:56 ID:f7PqvZUm [Del]

This is pretty much a sign of depression. But I know how you feel. And to make you feel better, many people feel this same way. I keep on doing what I am doing because there are people who care. I do it for them if I can't do it for myself. And even though I don't care about living in this system, I at least want to graduate, find a job and then take that money to go far far away from civilisation. My dreams have been crushed a long time ago, now I want to is free myself, so if you don't think you can find a realistic dream and you don't want to live in this f*cked up system of society, you can at least try to escape and make life worth living. :)

12 Name: Aoba : 2016-12-23 12:31 ID:U6Ayr2Bg [Del]

My friend deals with what your dealing with, with a daily. But she does anything to keep for mind out of it. She started watching Supernatural and it helped her. So also started playing soft ball. Maybe try to find something your passionate about or find something to do. And she's not giving up because she knows her loved ones will miss her. Her meaning of life is stay on here long as she can. Sorry If this wasn't useful to you.

13 Name: WhoAndWhy : 2016-12-26 15:33 ID:wpBqO2HL [Del]

Sorry for not replying back. Have been struggling with myself lately. Thinking about this situation. I think our system is not to blame. Cuz think: any other system wont be successful as this isnt successful too. I think our kind is corrupted from the beggining. We are nothing without our thoughts, without our hopes and dreams. We could have whatever we want but at the end we would be unsatisfied with it. I think its kind of a nature itself. We cannot have everything we want cuz if we do we wont be living. Life is a pointless catching your tail game. And by the way: chichan, if you use any social media or anything else let me know. I think some talking will do me good.

14 Name: chichan : 2016-12-27 03:16 ID:Iuu2vFgF [Del]

I think our kind is corrupted from the beginning but saying we are nothing w/o our thoughts etc is not really supporting that point there if that's the reason you said it (if not ignore me) and I don't necessarily think that w/o those attributes you're nothing but to each their own. Also I have instagram; Orphicrose_ .

15 Name: chichan : 2016-12-30 02:12 ID:Iuu2vFgF [Del]
