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How to get my dad to stop eating junk food (2)

1 Name: Lionheart : 2016-12-14 17:08 ID:hnJHZj3G [Del]

Hey guys. So my dad has high triglycerides (probably butchered that) and high blood pressure. He is taking medicine for the latter though. Now, as you all know that I lost my mother a few months ago and now my dad's high numbers are concerning. Lately he has been eating healthier, but he still always has to have ice cream every night. I always try to explain to him why he shouldn't eat it, but he eats it anyway. I love my dad, but I really fucking hate his attitude towards his own health. What should I do?

2 Name: Kuroi Ryƫ : 2016-12-14 18:57 ID:N7EJN1uT [Del]

May I ask out of the two of you, who goes out and buys the food?

If it is you, I would suggest that when you go out and buy food by things that are low in fat, low in salt. He should avoid red meat and get more greens. You should also change out his ice cream with sugar free.

If it isn't you and it's your father then you should go out with him when he goes out shopping and makes sure he picks only healthy food.

I would also suggest that you do your fair share of research on what are some healthy foods that you can make and then (depending on how old you are) you should take it cooking lessons and cook every once in awhile, just to make sure he is getting those few healthy meals. If possible, you should take some cooking class at your school if they offer any.

If you would like, I can link you some links that have recipes of healthy things to eat and various good foods you can buy.

I hope that this was useful and that your father attitude slowly improves! Good luck! And I might be able to think of other ways you can help him if you can't do these two! I'm currently in PLTW Biomedical course and this is one of the things we are learning about. I am no doctor but as I said before, I hope these ideas/suggestions helped!