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do you know what this is...? (8)

1 Name: Kazuto : 2016-12-09 19:43 ID:dWWqs1Tp (Image: 968x1296 jpg, 108 kb) [Del]

src/1481334182083.jpg: 968x1296, 108 kb
Hey dollar friends recently I found this in my school sitting around in the change rooms while I was snooping around and looking for my sweater so please don't misunderstand anyways I was wondering if anyone know if this key chain doll is either possessed or fine I don't really want it killing me in the middle of my sleep if you know what I mean and I also brought it home with me if anyone also knows what's it called and what it is that would be great and I would appreciate it thanks.

2 Name: Hando : 2016-12-09 19:48 ID:1IRESgCZ [Del]

I think it is called "Kokeshi"
It looks fine,not possessed. It doesn't look scary like that okiku doll

3 Name: Kazuto : 2016-12-09 20:01 ID:dWWqs1Tp [Del]

>>2 ok thank you very much, but may I just ask you a question how come this Kokeshi doll looks different from other types? Is it due to it being some sort of special type because I need to be returning it sooner or later anyways so why not just find out

4 Name: builder396 : 2016-12-10 02:47 ID:ICdum9CE [Del]

To me it looks like its supüosed to resemble a geisha so thatd explain the white skin and black hair. I cant imagine what else could be different frlm other kokeshi dolls

5 Name: Hando : 2016-12-11 02:40 ID:uF5VGQrX [Del]

Can't say for sure,but Kokeshi always has that round body and they are lacking of arms or legs

6 Name: Kazuto : 2016-12-11 22:06 ID:dWWqs1Tp [Del]

>>4>>5 ok i see thank you very much builder396 and Hando you guys really helped me.

7 Name: Hando : 2016-12-15 05:12 ID:gmFN7N1f [Del]

You are welcome. Dollars is here to help everyone ^^

8 Name: Akita : 2016-12-15 06:45 ID:YXk/lZGE [Del]

Yikes that is giving me nightmares