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Caught In Place (3)

1 Name: Jude : 2016-12-06 22:41 ID:acDz1wgu [Del]

Lately I've been noticing current friends, and even past friends and how much they've grown. I see how beautiful they've become, how talented, and how much they've changed. I think it's absolutely wonderful that they are finding they're finding their place in the world but I can't help but feel as though in comparison I am moving so much more slowly or perhaps not at all. I feel as though all of us have lost that connection that made and kept our friendship. When I think about these things I get lonely. Is there anyone with some solid advice to help me out? And maybe give me that push forward that I need?

2 Name: marx : 2016-12-07 13:07 ID:bnjMjo8t [Del]

Do more stuff, and just do your best

3 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2016-12-07 14:55 ID:zuM2BM43 [Del]

Honestly, I know that at times it may feel like you've been left behind by the ever changing world, and that all your friends around you are finding their place and figuring out what they want to do in life. But it just takes some time to find out what you wanna do and your direction in life. You really don't need to worry that your friends might know what they want to do in life and you don't. Some people just know what they want faster and for others it takes more time. My advice is don't rush yourself into trying to figure out what you want to do, and just take it easy and let it come to you.

As for feeling like your friendships are moving apart, it's probably just that as people grow older they have less free time. And when you're older, you will have to make more of an effort to see each other and keep in touch.

But I'm sure everything will work out for you and in time, you'll find your direction in life. And as long as you make a real effort to stay friends, I'm sure that it will last.