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I need my fucking spaaaaaace (3)

1 Name: Adrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-12-06 18:51 ID:RBtZaCOv (Image: 500x250 gif, 969 kb) [Del]

src/1481071879175.gif: 500x250, 969 kb
You two bicker and isolate me throughout my entire fucking childhood and now you expect me to play nice and h a n g o u t w i t h y o u ? Hell no. And then when I'm trying to crawl through the shit and pick myself up you slam your foot on my head and claim that you're to fucking pick me up? You fucking pieces of shits when you die, I'll be smiling from ear to ear!

*deep breath* Okay rant over, I life at the moment can be illustrated with the gif below. I've been a pathetic failure my entire life and I'm trying to throw the pieces away to make room for a new life but it feels like my parents keep on throwing more shards on the floor and say that they're trying to fucking help me. HELP ME? What I need from them is my fucking space, and I have told them this but they believe that I can't do shit on my own - when really - I thrive! I need them to stop looking over my shoulder and constantly doubting me. My counselor reccommended I spend one hour downstairs to do homework and my parents will keep to themselves. But what do they do? CONSTANTLY ASK ME WHAT I'M DOING AND PILE ON THE PRESSURE BY SHOWING ME MY SHITTY GRADES AND TELLING ME I'M NOT GOING TO COLLEGE.I need some way to be alone.

2 Name: Chrome : 2016-12-08 10:32 ID:/mfG+Q53 [Del]

Well I can understand what you wish but i cant understand what you want to us ?

3 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2016-12-08 12:55 ID:zuM2BM43 [Del]

If it makes you feel any better, you're definitely not alone in feeling like this. Unfortunately, not just parents, but older people in general, often don't understand the struggles that younger people go through. They think that they know everything because they were your age once before, but the problem is that the world has changed. The problems they may have had to face when they were young are a lot different from the problems younger generations face today. And honestly it has been getting harder and harder for the younger people in many societies but especially western society. For example, the children of today in the US actually have a shorter life expectancy from their parents. There is lots more other data that shows that it has been getting rougher for younger people over the years.

In terms of your parents not giving you any space and just letting you be independent for a bit, it's definitely not uncommon, but I do agree that it is completely stupid of them. And again, parents often think they know what to do and think that younger people don't just because they're older and have more experience, but don't realize that their experience isn't worth crap because the world has changed drastically from when they were young. And in reality, the younger people are much more adapted to the problems they face today since they're the actual ones facing them.

But anyways, I hope it makes you feel better to know that you're not the only ones and many parents are like this. And though I don't know your full situation obviously, I would think that at the end of the day, they are trying to help, even though they're forcing their help onto you and they're actually just making it a lot worse.