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Why Do I Feel Like This? (6)

1 Name: assasinman2676 : 2016-12-04 00:55 ID:CkbiGZNt [Del]

Ok, first things first, I'm a 15 year old guy in 9th grade. Now that that's out of the way, I wanted to ask you guys a bunch of why questions. So, for the context, there's this girl in my grade who I really care about and worry about, but I don't understand why. So, here comes my heart and soul.

Why my main reason for getting up in the morning seeing her?
Why is seeing and making her happy make me so happy?
Why do I feel so many emotions toward her, when I've never felt many emotions for anyone before?
Why do I love the way she laughs?
Why do I do everything in my power to make her laugh?
Why do I catch myself staring at her face so much?
Why do I feel so worried for her when I know she's fine?
Why do I feel like being with her any chance I get?
Why can't I talk to her without getting flustered?
Why is she the only person to date that I've felt this way towards?
Why do I think I'm falling in love?
Why am I afraid of falling in love?

I leave these questions to you my fellow dollars. Please, I beg you, help me. I've never felt this way before. I don't know what's happening to me. Please, help me.

2 Name: assasinman2676 : 2016-12-04 01:02 ID:CkbiGZNt [Del]

Why do I want her to notice me?
Why do I like hearing her talk?
Why do I fantasize having my first kiss with her?
Will these feelings ever go away?
If so, when?

3 Name: builder396 : 2016-12-04 04:58 ID:XBRaifB+ [Del]

Sounds like a crush to be honest. Maybe potential for love. The least you should do is ask her out on a date.

4 Name: meowxiik : 2016-12-04 07:55 ID:dmDx2Kgd [Del]

You're obviously crushing on her. The true devil here is the uncertainty. You should ask her out or confess your feelings to her and see how it goes. Important: There is a *slight* possibility that she will turn you down or even make fun of you. I wouldn't worry, though since it's your last year with her if I understand correctly.

5 Name: Tengu Crown : 2016-12-06 12:04 ID:zuM2BM43 [Del]

It sounds like you've been infatuated to me. Honestly you're so infatuated that it was so cringy just to read your post. I would recommend that you ask this girl out, BUT NOT before you've calmed yourself down. If you go up to her like this you could easily come off as creepy as hell. Also on the chance that she doesn't like you back you're gonna be depressed as hell if you ask her in your current condition.

6 Name: "Nagisa!4kdXNnnjBo : 2016-12-06 20:55 ID:qALRSYOg [Del]

I'm a sixteen year old girl so I know some things, you are crushing bad but don't start with asking her out at the moment she probably feels the same way but wants you to start slow. Every girl wants the chivalrous man from a fairy tale. start by telling her she's beautiful unexpectedly, open doors for her if she's started driving walk her to her car if not walk her to the bus or if you both live with walking distance to the school walk with her. Make her start to feel loved, make her feel embarrassed in a cute way. Text message her the morning and say something like i hope you have a good day. be there for her when she needs you and even when she doesn't say but you can tell somethings up, refuse to leave if she tells you too. start holding her hand and offering her your jacket, be willing to stand up for her. comfort her when she cries text her at night and tell her sweet dreams or something the like. than if you feel it is safe and she is receiving your feelings tell her how you feel maybe by letter girls like to have things that they can hang onto to remember things. After if she likes you too tell her every day how much, take her ANYWHERE she wants to go. And #1 never say she's wrong it will turn her off like a water to a flame. #2 for your safety if she starts demanding things from you so you can prove your love to her or if she starts asking for sex stop, take a step back, turn her down gently, and simply start to fade away not drop away. Save yourself for the women who will become your wife because when you do get married that will mean the world to her. there you have it. Now good luck.