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Difficult coworker (5)

1 Name: Aerospathi : 2016-11-29 22:15 ID:57Jkps+e [Del]

Hi Dollars,

So there is this coworker I have at my place of work and he's incredibly difficult to work with. He's condescending and likes to pretend like he is the boss, even though my real boss puts us at equal footing. I feel as though he tries to put me down and humiliate me infornt of others. Any advice?

2 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-11-29 22:44 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

it's your job. You're not there to make friends. You're there to make money. If the guy gets on your nerves, ignore him. If that doesn't work tell him to stop, stand your ground. If that doesn't work, tell your boss. If this guy is the boss, I would tell his boss or quit the job... I don't know. If the job stresses you out to much, don't be afraid to quit.

3 Name: builder396 : 2016-11-30 02:51 ID:mtyHgh/H [Del]

Its not worth losing your job over him, but calmly make it clear that this shit doesnt fly. If that wont shut him up tipping off your boss might be the best move

4 Name: Aerospathi : 2016-11-30 06:10 ID:57Jkps+e [Del]

Okay yeah, thanks guys. I'll see what I can do in the coming days. It's funny though, my boss, my supervisor, and HR all warned me that he acts like a bully or is just a straight up jackass (their words).

5 Name: ImYourFriend : 2016-11-30 23:18 ID:M+2Z3/jD [Del]

Well, humiliate him back *Evil Grin*. Get all smarty mouth on him. Works for me when people says something bad.

Him: You're friend is a slut.
Me: Shut your comments please? no one needs it.
Him:When hell freezes over.
Me: Then the people there will get the glass of cold water they've been hoping for.

Well, i don't know if you refer this as "Smarty mouth", but it works for me ^.^. Anyways,Good Luck.