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I Frel Depressed And I Don't Know What To Do 😢 (5)

1 Name: Rebecca : 2016-11-26 15:07 ID:P/lxLipw [Del]

I don't know where to start. So i guess I'll start with school. I go to a private school (Not Very Strict) where There is Sexism, Possibly racism (Against White People) And most of all, Favoritism. I don't know if you know this or not, But favoritism causes ALOT of drama. Especially when a teacher has multiple children that go to the same school. This particular teacher is knoe as the "Uniform Police", But only gets the good kid in trouble, Which happens to be my best friend. So you can imagine it makes me upset. She always gets sucked into all the drama, Sometimes me as well. The drama that happened the lastest was her daughters best friend didn't want to do something with her. And it became a problem because somehow she felt left out. But thats not why I feel depressed, And I honestly have no idea why.

So lets talk about my home enviroment. The favorite child is my brother, John. He only eats cheerios, Chips (The whole bag in a day) Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets (He's on a gluten free Diet), And Bacon. No fruits, Or vegetables. He's 13. He supposedly has autism, So he uses it as an excuse to only eat @$!#. He gets away with whatever he wants. And I can't talk to my mom abiut how I feel because everything is about her generally. So whats the point in this life? I'm feeling better than yesturday atleast. Hopefully things start looking on the upside. I think I'm going to start lying to myself, Telling myself that my friends and family love me when they don't. Maybe I'll start believing it. Any Advice for me?

2 Name: Shizuragi : 2016-11-26 17:01 ID:+ZoS9Itb [Del]

I'm sure that things look bad right now, but I promise you that things do and will get better. You have a reason for living, even if you don't realize it yet. There are people out there that care about you, like people in the Dollars. And if you can't or don't believe in yourself, you can believe in people who believe in you.

3 Name: ImYourFriend : 2016-11-26 18:05 ID:M+2Z3/jD [Del]

Wow Shizuragi, you expressed my feelings in 1 paragraph XD. If its me probably I'll write about 2-3 paragraph XD.
Main Point: You're not alone. Out there, there's people who believe in you and will help you if you ask them for help.

4 Name: Rebecca : 2016-11-27 08:47 ID:P/lxLipw [Del]

Thanks Guys. That means a lot 😊

5 Name: Shizuragi : 2016-11-27 18:21 ID:+ZoS9Itb [Del]

I'm glad to be of help :)