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I need Help, please (7)

1 Name: AMF : 2016-11-24 16:21 ID:kuL2gHc9 [Del]

So I recently got into a relationship with a girl, the girl happens to be the sister of my best friend, with his approval I asked her out. The problem is that the family doesn't trust me at all except for my best friend. The little sister even came up with a story to paint me in a bad light. By telling the family that i had tried to take advantage of my girlfriend when she was having an episode by taking her upstairs, but the little sister got in my way and stopped me, the problem is, that it never happen, and the other problem is that this happen when my best friend wasn't there, but i am always with him. I need help, I'm not going to leave her cause of this, but i want to paint myself in a good light for the rest of the family to trust me. i need help, please

2 Name: DeathTheGamer !.vD1Kfiz9A : 2016-11-24 16:54 ID:nuvz1Csu [Del]

Hmm why don't you talk to the little sister about it? or your girlfriend about it or both at different times or at the same time.

3 Name: Zershare : 2016-11-24 18:23 ID:1nA76PDU [Del]

Well this is just my own opinion. But if the little sister is too young then she will not understand even if you talk with her, she is probably just jelous and scared of you taking her big sister away. Just try to ignore her and talk with your girlfriend about it. As for the family, try to bond with them. I don't know maybe invite them to go somewhere and chat, or visit thwm regularly.

4 Name: Tarquin : 2016-11-24 19:21 ID:1RI5YGDj [Del]

>>3 Definitely take that advice. A good way to avoid a problem like this is to get to know the family and try to bond better with them. If the little sister is causing problems then telling your girlfriend should happen at some point.

5 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-24 21:58 ID:EyN5xPoR [Del]

Just keep trying and don't give up

6 Name: ImYourFriend : 2016-11-25 07:43 ID:M+2Z3/jD [Del]

Usually people will do something that will try and get the family impressed by him/her. So i suggest you to try and win her family over. I have no more advice since I don't know what type of boy the family wants her daughter to be partnered with, but I'm going to just say this. "Win their respect by protecting their daughter from danger (If there is), and in that way, respect will come to you willingly." You have to prove them that you aren't the type of boy that will run when there's danger, you have to prove that you'll stand and protect her. Well if the family don't want you to be protective of her, then I don't know how the family even live together without any disastrous fights.

My last words for you is, Good Luck. We dollars are here when you need help ^.^

7 Name: AFM : 2016-11-26 20:24 ID:kuL2gHc9 [Del]

Thank you all for trying to help with my problem, sadly the relaitonship did not work out, in trying to have it work out, i in turn lost my best friend, for he hates me now. and dosnt want his girlfriend around (also a close friend) so thank you all for the effort its really appricated :)