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I need help!!! (10)

1 Name: Willspikes !T9vOz47aZ2 : 2016-11-22 15:30 ID:1MNyea99 [Del]

Please can someone give me advice, basically I want to come out to my mum about being bisexual but I don't know how it will be really awkward and I hate awkward situations she is not very religious and -hopefully- she could understand can you guys/girls/other please give me ideas to come out without any awkward situations. Thank you

2 Name: DeathTheGamer : 2016-11-22 18:25 ID:41k5lO0/ [Del]

I Think You Sould Just Do It if you do it all ya have to do it will all just be in the past and you won't have to do it again

3 Name: Schokinag : 2016-11-22 19:08 ID:zuM2BM43 [Del]

It's honestly hard to say. It sounds like your mom is at least a little religious, but you might want to try and see what your mom's views on the LGBT are first.

But if you're certain that your mom is not going to flip out or go crazy over this, I would recommend what the person above me suggested and just spit it out. There's not much you can do to make the situation less awkward, but you can make the situation a lot shorter by just saying it and getting it over with.

4 Name: Emiri : 2016-11-22 20:38 ID:vrDiOQ3j [Del]

As long as you're safe then I would just do it which ever way you feel the most comfortable doing. I chickened out doing it face to face and just did it with a text and worked great. Not saying that's what you should do but do whatever is the least stressful.

5 Name: Shiro : 2016-11-22 21:31 ID:dWWqs1Tp [Del]

I think you should tell her in a way that you feel comfortable in. Is your mom understanding? I'm sure it will be fine if you tell her if she is understanding. I'm not really good with awkward situations advice's since I usually get in a lot of awkward situations half of the time

6 Name: ImYourFriend : 2016-11-23 01:23 ID:9MBK/3e5 [Del]

Try and not keep it a secret for a long time, since it's bound to be found out, and trust me, keeping it longer is much more worse than just telling them straight on. Keeping it longer means that you will feel guilty whenever you talk to them, and keeping it longer will rouse some confusion and suspicion ^.^
i have helped my sister in this situation, and the situation looks like the same (Family isn't really religious, but my mother likes to get mad when she's shocked) ^.^
If you want a friend,
Kik: BooWd
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7 Name: Willspikes !T9vOz47aZ2 : 2016-11-23 09:29 ID:1MNyea99 [Del]

Thank you all for the help I will wait a while before I tell her

8 Name: ImYourPal : 2016-11-24 01:28 ID:9MBK/3e5 [Del]

Good Luck. and ima quote my friend again, "don't wait too long, because its the same as keeping it as a secret, and it's bound to be founf out eventually." And trust me, you do not want to see your mother's disbelief when she says "You have been keeping this from me for (insert how many days here) days?!?!?!?!?!@

9 Name: haru : 2016-11-24 15:06 ID:wwfanyxT [Del]

I wish you the best
luck!It's great that you want to tell them! I have this plan to keep my bi-pan-lesbian-notsurewhat-secret hidden as long as I get a girlfriend and it's time for my parents and her to meet( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

10 Name: DeathTheGamer !.vD1Kfiz9A : 2016-11-24 16:45 ID:nuvz1Csu [Del]

Good Luck 👏