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I need to get this off my chest (5)

1 Name: Haku : 2016-11-17 22:21 ID:4Bv3fYla [Del]

So a friend of mine decided to just drop our relationship. Me and her have been friends for 8 years. So when she just threw away those years because I appatently "ruined her life" I tried fixing things but her boyfriend decide to butt in and make me look like a totally maniac honestly I don't understand how I ruined her life when our relationship has been perfectly fine. Just wanted to get this off my chest and don't wanna get in full detail..

2 Name: Kiki : 2016-11-18 14:16 ID:SnNHaPYj [Del]

Some people can over react sometimes. Sometimes when you say somthing they may see it diffrently. If you ask me, I think you should look back and see if there was something you said or did that may have made her angry. If you can't see how anything may have made feel like that. Try to open up to her. Tell her how you feel and how you want to de friends again. Tell her you don't know what you did wrong, but you're sorry. If she's a good firend, maybe she'll understand.

3 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-11-18 21:09 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

>>1 How do you feel now that you got it off your chest?

4 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-19 00:25 ID:d/mhFt0Y [Del]

Saying "Our relationship has been perfectly fine" is which enables you to understand her, there is clearly something wrong and you have to listen to her
Saying that "I tried fixing things but her boyfriend decide to butt in and make me look like a totally maniac" gave me the impression that your pissed of so calm down and think this through
And to my guess you probably tried to talk to her and her boyfriend stopped you while your screaming at her about fixing things in a crowded space which made you look like a maniac, tell me if I'm wrong. If so calm down and approaches normally if you want to talk
And if she really doesn't want to be friends anymore you can't do anything about that it's her decision but it isn't to wrong to try and convince her but not persuasive like your manipulating her or anything, if so that your friendship will end its best to end it with no hard feelings

5 Name: Rahei : 2016-11-20 04:33 ID:wio5sKge [Del]

It's fine, calm down! This has happened to me too, so I totally understand how you feel. As much as you may not feel like it, I suggest that you should talk to your friend before she reaches the conclusion that you really want the relationship to end. However, there may be some difficulties along the way as your friend is the one who suggested to end the friendship. Good luck!