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Coming out (8)

1 Name: Thatonegeek1901 : 2016-11-17 07:05 ID:SPavFP+t [Del]

So I am a 17 year old who is wanting to finally admit to my parents that I am in fact gay. They are very Christian and homophobic people. How should I go about it?

2 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-11-17 10:27 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

Despite the means by which you may approach the issue, it is not one so easily done. They will react the same way they would either which way, but to answer your query properly; I'd have to say that you should do so humbly. Don't press the issue forcefully, but make very good note that it's not something they can change.
This question is actually quite vain, because regardless of how you go about it, emotions are sure to take over and no matter what anyone says, after the news is out- you will 'go about it' the way you instinctively know how.
Essentially: get it over with and the rest will come.

It won't be easy, I know- but you'll figure it out.

3 Name: Tarquin : 2016-11-17 12:56 ID:bwJ51zRZ [Del]

Before telling your parents I would recommend telling this to a close friend you trust to keep it secret if you have not already. Let them know that you are not sure how your parents will react, this way you have a trusted friend who is there to have your back no matter what happens.

When telling your parents I think you should do it one-on-one with both of them. If you believe your dad would take the news better than tell your dad first, if you think your mom would take it better than tell your mom first. Make sure that when you tell them, you are all relaxed and comfortable and you are all really listening to each other. I would recommend telling them when nothing is going on and make sure you tell them in advance that you have something you need to discuss with them. When you are all free and not doing anything, that is the time you should tell them.

Last point I need to make. If you are not comfortable coming out to them right now then don't force yourself. Don't tell them until you are sure you are ready to tell them.

I hope this advice helps you. Please let us know how it goes. If you would like anymore advice on the matter than be sure to write here again or you can send me an email at

4 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-19 00:52 ID:d/mhFt0Y [Del]

There are two choices either you endure this until they respect what you are or change for them and then again there is no straight answer your the one who's supposed to choose to what you want

5 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-19 00:53 ID:d/mhFt0Y [Del]

Also the other choice is to keep on keeping it a secret

6 Name: Hi : 2016-11-19 18:22 ID:Mbg9/FzG [Del]

I think you should keep it a secret.I mean,what if they can't understand what you're trying to tell them?if they are homophobic,I don't believe they're going to change their opinions for you,because people don't change easily.Can't you at least wait until you are 18? XD

7 Name: Kiki : 2016-11-19 22:34 ID:rgExChug [Del]

I say, tell them how you feel. Be who you are. They may not like it but it's you. They can't change who you are. Be strong. If they don't like it, tell them it's who you are. Just because they're your parents doesn't mean they should be able to change who you are. If there good parents, they should accept you no matter what.

8 Name: ImYourPal : 2016-11-21 01:13 ID:9MBK/3e5 [Del]

keeping it a secret isn't good, sine there is a high chance that someone will find out. And you know as they say,everyone gossips. It depend on your situation. If your parents love you, they can do nothing but to accept it. If they only like you, but not love you to sacrifice their time, then I suggest you getting a partner, and on the day you plan to leave, tell your parents that you have something to say, and that you hope that they won't abandon you. If their reaction is horrified at the "Abandoning" part, then say that you're moving out, and that ure gay. if however, their expression is pleased at abandoning you, then just say that i have a partner and i want to move out.

They might ask why ure gonna move out, just say that u have a girlfriend (ahem ahem) that you dont want to introduce to. Then move out.. Dont tell them the reason why ure really moving out though. one day, your parents might ask you
to visit their house with your girlfriend, so you bring ure partner. Then on that day, say ure gay, and then they have no choice but to accept it since its too late.

Well that's what i would do, but my parents arent really that religious, so I dunno how religious your parents are *Grins while my eyes are full of mischief*

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I understand you, since i have a friend that complains about his parents being too overprotective of his Virginity *that he apparently doesnt have XD* and that he is Bi... Good luck *Waves*