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Good or bad? (9)

1 Name: Novarius : 2016-11-16 07:12 ID:sy7OQahs [Del]

I'm not really sure how to start this but I've been dating this guy for nearly two months now and I want to do something adventurous..I was thinking of taking him to where I grew up most of my life since he's shown me his and then maybe catching a train and getting off at a random stop and exploring...I don't know if that's a good idea or not but that's my idea of something good or bad idea? Perhaps other ideas?

2 Name: JamJam : 2016-11-16 12:06 ID:XgL0t/FB [Del]

I don't think it's a bad idea! Good luck!

3 Name: Lilysica : 2016-11-16 12:09 ID:0+0Dxlj0 [Del]

Just talk to him and see what he thinks. I personally love a good adventure, but my partner isn't always as willing (depending on mood really, but it has to do more with the fact that they have a bit of anxiety). I feel that for lasting relationships, its definitely nice to be able to see places and recognize that it means a lot to the person, even if it might not make as much sense to you. Maybe go out and get a treat that you both enjoy? Food? Ice cream?

4 Name: Novarius : 2016-11-16 21:53 ID:QQOOmp7Y [Del]

well just found out his friends are throwing him a late birthday and he won't be able to spend much time with me that day...super disappointed but I'll feel bad if I tell him I wanted to do something with him that day cause I know he'd blow off his friends.. and I don't want to come across as a bitch like people think me as already cause he blows them off to spend time with me a lot.. even though I've said he can spend time with them...

5 Name: Lilysica : 2016-11-17 13:39 ID:/cxB1GCL [Del]

I'm pretty sure they don't think that you are. If his friends are mad at you for spending time with him, then I think that might just be a them problem. You could try and get along with his friends, but don't feel bad that you want to spend time with him? talk it out

6 Name: Novarius : 2016-11-17 15:14 ID:sy7OQahs [Del]

Quite a few of them do...I was already asked why I'm so controlling of him by one of his friends this week...I try to be nice only a couple of his friends are nice to me...

7 Name: Lilysica : 2016-11-18 05:17 ID:WcYJ2HP5 [Del]

Do you see yourself as controlling? Does he think the same thing?

8 Name: Novarius : 2016-11-18 10:23 ID:sy7OQahs [Del]

No I don't see myself as controlling and I told him this afternoon when we were walking home and he was like "but that's clearly not the case" he doesn't understand that it's what most people think when they get blown off by someone who used to spend a lot of time with them...honestly I tell him a lot that he doesn't have to hang out with me (I like my own space a

9 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-19 00:15 ID:d/mhFt0Y [Del]

If you want this relationship to be serious then yes so that he can learn more about from where you grown up show places you use to go there and talk about personal thing to learn more about each other's life,dream and personality to deepen the trust between each other a key role in a relationship is to trust and have faith on to your companion and so must he another key role is understanding so in taking him to your heritage he can learn and understand about you