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Dating Help (7)

1 Name: FallenAngel : 2016-11-13 20:15 ID:Zy2/DbfS [Del]

For the sake of safty im gonna be using fake names for this (DP and VS)
ok so im dating DP for a month now, hes my best friend and when he asked me out i said yes cuz i would of felt bad if i hurt his feelings. Well i said yes but i dont like him in that way and i want to break up with him since ive been getting depressed over this and cant come to love him. How do i break up with him WITHOUT hurting his feelings? hes a very kind and sweet person, i dont want him to be hurt cuz of me. And even if we so break up my other best friend VS will ask me out since he has a very big crush on me. The thing is with that VS is friends with DP and i already had to break up 3 fights between them over me. And i kinda like VS more then Dp... And im stuck in the middle of all this and dont know what to do...please help...

2 Name: Ani : 2016-11-13 20:59 ID:PtHO0r4K [Del]

U can tell him that you want to talk.You can say that u were happy to be with him, but tell him that your love goes to VS.

3 Name: Slash : 2016-11-13 21:02 ID:uWYU/RnU [Del]

I think it'll hurt DP more if you pretend to like him than if you just break it off with him. I personally don't think that lying is healthy for your relationship as a couple or as a friend with him. You don't have to go out with DP or VS. I say you should break up with DP, but not go out with VS either. Focus on building your friendship with both of them first, and then when the time is right you should go out with VS. But the bottom line is: don't do anything you don't want to do! You should never feel obligated to go out with someone, or "choose" a person over another. No matter what you do, just remember to put yourself as first priority :)

4 Name: FallenAngel : 2016-11-13 21:35 ID:Zy2/DbfS [Del]

isnt that a bit cold hearted though?

5 Name: _Lighter_ : 2016-11-14 15:24 ID:tYoPoMAf [Del]

It is being honest. It might hurt at first but It'll hurt more in the long run if you pretend to feel something you don't and breake up with him later. Be calm and sensitive when you tell him but tell him that you don't like him that way. Keep an eye on how he reacts. Some are extremy sensitive and might do things the'll regret when it comes to stuff like that. Slash is right on building your friendship to the other fist too to be hinest. Just going with VS now would make the situation more complicated. And make sure that what you feel is real love and not just some crush that'll disappear afer a view weeks. It'll prevent everyone involved from some more emotional damage, drama and arguments.

6 Name: Akina : 2016-11-15 04:18 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

>>3 I agree with this person.
and >>5
Honestly you got yourself into a deeper and more complicated problem. If you don't do this you're just going to have to face the fiery wrath you got yourself into. You never go out with someone to make them happy momentarily and then leave them. It makes them wonder why you didn't end up liking them then they feel like shit about it. So you have to break it off and clear it. To me though you shouldn't go out with neither of them it can still end up bad if you leave 1 person for another. Don't you ever do this mistake again bc in actuality you was the cruel one even if you didn't meant to be that way.

7 Name: Doemimi : 2016-11-15 23:45 ID:y9FJeoas [Del]

Brace yourself to lose both of them, and end things with DP. Not saying you'll lose both but its a possibility. Either way, freeing yourself from a dead end relationship is important. That first step will free you from of these complications and you'll be able to think clearer.