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How should I feel? (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-13 03:13 ID:M8AC8fDP [Del]

Hey this is kinda weird but, I just don't know how or what to feel, let alone how to act. today is the 3rd year anniversary of my mother's death, and in the past i have just stayed in my room but this year feels really different mainly because now my dad is dying and all i can do is watch from the sidelines just like with my mom. I was thinking i might just go out with a friend but then i would have to pretend to be okay, but the thing is, am i not okay? am i okay? how should i feel? how should i act around others? is it wrong if i just feel cold and empty? Please i need advice.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-11-13 05:52 ID:+fowLGEa [Del]

Don't think about it then.

Don't ask us, we haven't lived your life, have we?

3 Name: Ryonosuke!FzAyW.Rdbg : 2016-11-13 09:26 ID:E/zCbvhm [Del]

No, on the other hand, it is completely normal if you are cold and empty. Really, it's human nature to close themselves off from emotional pain once they've experienced it. You do become an empty vessel for a while.

4 Name: Noname : 2016-11-13 09:31 ID:xiiEgSO1 [Del]

NZPIEFACE - Hey, don't be so brutal, he/she is just asking for advice.

Firstly, Im deeply sorry for you. It must be so hard for you I can't even imagine.Feeling "cold and empty" is perfectly normal in this situation. You have to for sure share your emotions, don't hide it. You can go out with your very close friend or even family member and talk about it.

5 Name: Slash : 2016-11-13 18:06 ID:uWYU/RnU [Del]

>>1 I would first like to express my condolences for your loss. Death is always a hard thing to accept.

No one knows how you are feeling right now, expect for you. Maybe you don't even know what you're feeling either, and that's ok. Death is complicated and life is complicated. I say that embrace your confusion and live your life unsure. You don't need to understand everything and you don't need to fit yourself into one stereotypical feeling of "sad" or "happy." If you feel empty with a little bit of sadness, then that's just how you feel. Don't try express your feelings in one word. If you want to pretend that you're ok, but you really don't know if you feel ok or not, then that's exactly how you feel. Don't over complicate it and try to force yourself to be only one thing. I think the best thing for you to do is figure it out yourself. Maybe you want to think it through, maybe you don't want to think it through, and that's all ok. Cry while laughing, dance while screaming, do everything and anything that you need to. But don't worry, everything get's better I promise :)

6 Name: Lionheart : 2016-11-13 21:05 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Feeling cold and empty is normal. When my mother passed, all I did was stay in my room for more than half after her funeral. Some friends tried to speak to me, but I ended the conversations early. I just didn't want to see or hear from anyone. I was even afraid to go out because I was scared that I would always be reminded of what happened. It's hard, and it's scary. I know. If I were you, I would stay by your dad as close and as often as you can. And don't be afraid to cry. Cry your eyes out. Cry yourself dry. Trust me, it feels much better to let everything out rather than hold it in. If you don't want to hang out with anyone, that's fine. After my mom's funeral, I didn't do anything until the next day. I would suggest that you still stay with your dad. Unless of course you're in a hospital and visiting hours are up. If that's the case, then I would say try to hang out with your friend. If you don't want to, that's completely fine and normal. The night before my mom's funeral my friend and his girlfriend, who I also consider a close friend, took me out. It was really warming and relaxed me. You don't have to pretend that you're ok. If your friend knows, then he/she knows that you aren't ok, but will do everything in his/her power to try and make you feel better. Maybe if hospital visiting hours are up, trying hanging out with your friend. Being alone in this situation is never good. Loneliness is painful. Trust me. But whatever you end up doing, just know that the Dollars are here for you and you and your family are in our prayers and thoughts. God bless.

7 Name: Froid : 2016-11-14 01:01 ID:zuM2BM43 [Del]

There's not a specific way you're supposed to feel at any time. Your feelings are just what come to you naturally. There is no right or wrong way to feel. And it's fine if you don't want to go out with your friends, or if you do go out end up acting strange because of what just happened. I'm sure your friends will understand. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, and I'm not going to pretend that it's going to get better anytime soon. Life has its rough times. And I know it sounds corny, but just remember, the world isn't as bad as it may seem.

8 Name: ShoshanYatogami : 2016-11-14 10:19 ID:m/T/aBFw [Del]

I just know I always felt the same way. I lost three of my best friends and I also felt cold and empty after each death. Sure for most of your friends, it's complicated to deal with such a state, but your true friends will try to help you through. And in my opinion it is pretty important to talk with someone about your feelings, that you feel cold and empty. I believe it's the only way to keep hanging on to talk with someone about all your feelings. I always thought that I should get along by myself and not burden anyone with my problems, but seriously it destroys you to suck up all your feelings, you have to shout them out, struggle with them, but together with your friends not alone.
And you should not ask how you should behave and feel, you should feel in YOUR way. Just let your feelings out. I know that it's not that easy.

I'm deeply sorry for you. And I would like to tell you that it's easy to live along, but I hate to lie to people. But look for the shiny days and the beautiful moments, and if you struggle the dollars are here for you.

9 Name: キティちゃん : 2016-11-14 17:58 ID:85X4TKUC [Del]

Act how you want to act. And if anyone wants to judge you for it, judge them for judging you. Sometimes I feel very emotionless, but it's only when I see certain people, or I'm alone. This girl, I'll name her hoe, because she reminds me of a gardening hoe ad she is a hoe, she had brought something private between her and my best friend, Owbfiudnvd (Perfect name), onto the internet, for everyone to see. After that, Hoe had also gotten my friend Sh**a in trouble for accidentally knocking her (Hoe) down. Sh**a didn't really get in trouble, but my gym teacher called her and Hoe over. Sometimes I feel emotionless around her, and other times I feel as if i could throw a desk at her. Sounds like a fantasy though. I wanna throw a desk at her... It's like Izaya and Shizuo's relationship! Izaya/Hoe is always sh*tting around with Shizuo/Me/Friends and Shizuo wants to kill Izaya! Perfect. yay.... IS it okay for me to throw a desk at her?

10 Name: Akina : 2016-11-15 03:55 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

I like to help but when it comes to these things I never feel like my advice is so good. Honestly you shouldn't fake your happiness but at least try to feel a moment of happiness. If it doesn't work try to release some anger somehow but I don't think you should be alone just make sure you don't take it out on your friend. Most ppl naturally do want to help you feel better but losing your parents is really tough to cheer up. If the dollars help you too feel better keep coming back for more info here.