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Lying (5)

1 Name: ABC123 : 2016-11-12 19:32 ID:djiSE1qC [Del]

i may have a problem. i find myself constantly making up stories to make myself and my life seem more interesting to my friends. i want to stop but those stories just come out of my mouth before i realise what is going on and seconds later im lying to my friends. i do not know why i do it, i it because i feel like i need their admiration? i honestly dont know, im just kinda glad that im aware that im doing it and want to stop it unlike some people i know. if you have any advice then please, do share it with me. i dont want to lie anymore.

2 Name: Proto : 2016-11-12 22:33 ID:SU26u0gN [Del]

I think it is telling that you say "unlike some people i know." Right there, you're trying to make yourself feel better about this habit by comparing yourself to others which makes me worry that it might be comparing yourself to others which has fueled your tendency to almost compulsively lie. Do you feel the need to embellish your life because you feel inferior? I hope not. If so, please know that your story is objectively valuable and you will find people who find it subjectively fascinating if you haven't already. But you won't be able to recognize those people until you start telling your real story. Also, try to just practice listening to other people's stories for a while, appreciating them (as much as possible) without comparing them to your own. I don't know, but I hope that helps.

3 Name: siegrandir : 2016-11-13 19:51 ID:4KG66A2F [Del]

I don't know if you're still checking this post, but I think you can put your lies in a positive way, write some story, make a blog or something, just post your stories. It would be good and profitable(?). JK, but if you want it to do this way, that's your choice to make.
To be honest, I used to be like you, always lying to people around me and seconds later I realized I just lied to them. I stop being a liar because life showed me the way how. If you want to know someone better, start with tell them the truth and watch them react to it.

4 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2016-11-13 21:06 ID:E7FCA9xo [Del]

Make a conscious, honest effort to always tell the truth on the things that matter. I'm not talking about complete honesty 100% of the time (I think we would all agree it's better to tell our partners that the dress or suit doesn't make them look a bit big and is rather quite flattering), but I do mean that you need to make a real effort to not lie. The truth hurts, I get it. But honestly, it oftentimes has a better outcome than a lie will.

On another note (and a controversial one), your post seems to almost perfectly match the definition of a pathological liar. Quote, "The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth. Sometimes however, the individual may be lying to make their life seem more exciting when in reality they believe their life is unpleasant or boring. Pathological lying can be described as a habituation of lying; it is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless. There are many consequences of being a pathological liar" unquote.

5 Name: Akina : 2016-11-15 04:45 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

>>2 Agree
By the way it's common for ppl to lie and make up stories about themselves. Just remember this you're just making yourself uncool if you're lying and trying your best to do it. I think you're better off stretching the truth at least over completely lie about yourself. Like say a story more true but kinda didn't happen to make you feel better. At least it's not a complete lie. Not that I'm saying lying is always bad but there's times you're going to need it just don't do it so consistent.