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Relationship "Problems" (6)

1 Name: *** : 2016-10-30 01:43 ID:INtqeFqV [Del]

So... My girl hass some major social problems and while I love her so much, it drapes into our relationship. last wendsday (10/26) she had her mom tell me she wasent confertable with me kissing her on her arms, hands, and forehead. She is 15 turning 16 and I am 17 but I was 16 when I starded dateing her and she that was early summer. She had also asked befor for me not to look at her as much as I was. So now I am scared to do anything with her.

I am beyond clingy and she has supper social problems. (She got bulied alot for hairy arms (Seen one and I find it adorible like the rest of her but might be just me ignoring stuff.) and now she won't even show me her arms. She also got torcherd through years of being in a haunted house if you belive that, mental or not, it has seiriously messed with her brain)

Anyways I love her and I want her to trust me. So I gess I want to know how to make a girl who loves me, trust me with her love and trusts me in general? If you need more info or have some advice, I would love too
hear it. Thank you.

2 Name: Anon : 2016-10-30 08:06 ID:qphMpHGC [Del]

Well first off, I guess you could persistently ask her if you can kiss her until she finally says yes rather than doing it spontaneously. Tell her she is beautiful and that you love her everyday. I know it's hard work but always treasure her in every way you can.

I can't really help you, but I wanted to tell you that you sound like an amazing boyfriend for being so considerate and patient! If you're with her, in time I'm sure she'll get over her social problems. :)

3 Name: *** : 2016-10-30 10:33 ID:INtqeFqV [Del]

Thanks, I needed that.

4 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-31 09:30 ID:qtIBQ5Z4 [Del]

Just be honest with her, just telk her about everything you just said that you want her to trust you and stuff, be always ready for you to help her and pretty relationship is build upon trust so if you trust her but she cant trust you then its a one sided relationship if you want this to work then She"ll just have to trust you if not then this relationship will lead to nothing

5 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-31 14:52 ID:MlTbzmAD [Del]

First and foremost, be considerate of her discomfort [CHECK].

Talk to her about it and present it in a non demanding way, e.g. "I was hoping I could help you feel better about _____ and wanted to discuss with you, to see know what you would think of it."

DO NOT pressure her (that might just make her more cagey about the issues).

Keep patience and consistency of thoughts/acts to maintain her trust. Be vocal with your feelings toward her so that she has little moment to doubt.

Good luck to the both of you.

6 Name: *** : 2016-11-02 12:54 ID:AqEdXezv [Del]

Thank you all. I feel seperared still but I was with her on Halloween and she was as beutiful as ever. It is so grate I have a place I can go to and feel fine to cry. I want to thank not only the peaple who helped me, but every dollar out thier.