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Why does my family hate me (2)

1 Name: Person : 2016-10-28 18:26 ID:MdaGUx7P [Del]

I don't get why my family hates me. My dad and my mom think that what I like to do is a waste of time and stupid. I don't have many friends that I actually get to hang out, my parents are always telling me to make more friends but most people from my school are stupid or don't share the same interest as me so I talk to people through video games, texting and websites, but my parents always take those things away from me so I can't even talk to people. My parents also think that I am going to become a serial killer, just became one time I wrote an essay for school about a serial killer- Even thought that is what we learned about the next year. My Dad especially doesn't care about me because he always yells at me for anything I do and he always takes my sisters side on things no matter what it is, even if he knows nothing about it or I am clearly right. Also my dad pretty much tells me that he doesn't care because I always say I want to move out when I am old enough and he says that he doesn't think I can get a job and that I am going to be poor and live in a cardboard box he also thinks that if I do move out by my self that I am going to have problems and die because I like to play video games. And last my sister always says I have no friends and sometimes when I try to tell her something she just ignores me and then starts talking to me like I didn't say anything. All of this has just been getting worse and now I keep think of killing myself. I can't tell them that either because they will just send me somewhere to "fix it" but won't help because the only people that can fix it are them.

2 Name: Qui-gon Jinn : 2016-10-28 20:40 ID:q9ZLd96n [Del]

First lesson: Take what other people say about you with a grain of salt.
Nobody can tell you what to think, who to be, who you are, where you're going, or what to believe. Just be patient with them and understand that their negative energy will drain you if you do not fight it with positivity. You can't make a right with two wrongs. This life will test your will, your faith, your strength, your endurance, and determination. If you surrender to your opposition's belief of you, you become that belief. If you let them get to you, it's over. The ones who are born to be great are often tested more than the ones who are average. and they either end up being major successes, or major failures. which do you want to be? Burn their negative thoughts about you in the fire that keeps your engine going and use it as fuel to push harder and excel. Focus on the greatest treasures in life; knowledge, truth, clarity, and wisdom. The more you pursue these things, the easier life will be to handle. Light shines through darkness, and the darkness will always fail to comprehend the light, making it angry and confused. Be kind and loving, tune out the bullshit, set some goals for yourself, and build a pathway to the life of your dreams. It's never too early to start, in fact the earlier, the better. Just don't argue with fools, it satisfies them like nothing else, because it traps you in their stupid head games. The reason you probably don't hang out with a lot of people is because you are intelligent, and intelligent people tend to have a small group of close friends, rather than a lot of friends. Besides, the more you know, and grow, the more places you'll go, and you probably won't see any of these people again for a very long time, if ever again. Just be kind to your family, be thankful that you have a roof over your head, running water, food prepared for you, etc. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the world right now dying, starving, facing religious persecution and martyrdom, being bombed and innocent lives being taken. You are blessed with this life, so act as such, and it will continue to bless you back, and the endless cycle goes on. I came from an abusive home, never stayed in one place my whole life, never got settled in anywhere. I hated my father, and when I was 18 I packed up all my stuff into a camping back and hit the road. It was some of the toughest years of my life. But it taught me that the world is a very big and dangerous place, and only the strong survive. It is a test of your will. Do not fail, or you fail yourself.

Stay Strong