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A private medical issue (3)

1 Name: Ye : 2016-10-25 03:24 ID:xmun754h [Del]

Soguys this is really embarrassing to say but the thing is I have like these two painful pinkish bumps around my scrotum.Should I see a doctor,does anyone have any medical advice

2 Name: Barbie's Island Princess : 2016-10-25 04:16 ID:bmLBvPLe [Del]

There's no need to be embarrassed :)

If they don't go away in about a week (or maybe two, I don't know how long it's been since you noticed this) you should definitely get it checked out. Even just at a walk-in clinic or something. You'd be wise to get a general doctor's opinion before going to a specialist. I don't know what it's like where you live, but I know I have to schedule appointments with my family doctor months in advance for just ten or fifteen minutes of his time. It's likely that whatever it is isn't too serious, so try not to stress out about it. As for pain, there's not really any advice I can give other than to stick it out for a bit.

Good luck!

3 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-25 09:35 ID:5VKQu/Bj [Del]

>>2, and also, please consider:

1. Does these bumps contain any liquid? Swelling and bleeding? Can you determine if they are warts?
2. Does your family have a history of genital diseases?
3. Have you had sexual contact or used related tools recently?
4. Do you exhibit any other symptoms, such as pain during urination or fever (and etc)?

If you say yes to any of the above,then you should seek a medical professional, even when/if the bumps disappear.
Decreases risk of irritating said bumps by proper cleaning and disposal of towels and anything that comes in contact with it.

Could be completely benign, so don't stress, maintain proper living habits and just write down symptoms and frequency (even after they disappear).